Speaking in Tennessee, Tim Tebow calls himself a Christian who just happens to be an athlete.
"The president believes strongly that the ability to petition for clemency is a critical component of our criminal justice system."
The short-range ballistic missile is capable of carrying nuclear warheads and can hit targets up to 500 km away.
The U.S.S. Jason Dunham also visited Estonia and Finland as Russian actions put the Baltic region on edge.
Reddit users, frustrated with their inability to humiliate people, have flocked to Voat.
The Tibetan government-in-exile, the Central Tibetan Administration, confirmed his death.
Tensions have renewed between Beijing and Turkey over the treatment of Muslims in China's Xinjiang province.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the country's post-2020 emissions target will not be announced before August.
The move comes shortly after the U.K. defied its critics by committing to a NATO security budget target.
The United States has sent its most senior naval official to re-establish defense ties with the strategic North African country.
The message purportedly from Hafez Saeed was posted to an IS website two days after the Afghan intelligence agency said he had been killed.
"Minions" had the second biggest opening weekend of any animated film.
Such a base near Islamic State strongholds in Libya would help the United States “fill gaps in our understanding of what’s going on.”
A pro-flag convoy wound through central Florida on Sunday as a blacklash against banishing the Confederate flag from public landmarks in the South.
Trump said Guzman's escape is an example of Mexican corruption for which the U.S. has to pay.
Moscow is mulling whether to offer Greece natural gas supplies while Athens struggles with its European creditors.
"There are sanctions that were imposed by Congress. I think the administration will have a hard time getting those removed," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said.
Mexican Federal Police are patrolling roads near Altiplano, the maximum security federal prison from which Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman escaped, in hope of finding the fugitive.
As one of the nation's youngest elected prosecutors, Marilyn Mosby told women leaders at the 2015 NAACP conference to be honest about their journeys to power.
Sunday's explosion occurred near Camp Chapman, near the Pakistani border, which houses U.S. and Afghan troops.
Attorney General Michael Lauber said investigators now have 81 "suspicious activity reports" filed by Swiss banks.
Gaziantep is known to be a stepping-stone for Islamic State group recruits seeking to get into Syria.