The outbreak has been linked to prescription drug abuse by injection.
The South Korean manufacturer hopes consumer excitement will translate into significant sales for its new 2015 flagships.
Canadians may soon use their iPhone to pay for goods, as long as Apple and six of Canada's banks can come to an agreement.
U.S. heavyweights take opposing views on how the Internet should evolve in one of the world's fastest-growing, but most impoverished, tech markets.
The explosion in Irbil occurred in an area frequented by Westerners.
An improved economy and new household formation are no longer a reliable boost to cable subscription numbers.
A stronger U.S. greenback isn't exactly good news for American corporate bottom lines.
A change to Google’s search algorithm will give preferences to mobile-friendly websites, but some companies worry their site will be left behind.
The 173rd Airborne Brigade will teach Ukrainian troops about first aid, tactics and how to defend against artillery and mortar strikes.
A recent study examined U.S. states' policies regarding immigrants' access to health services, higher education and government IDs.
Izzat Ibrahim al Douri led an insurgent group that contributed to the rise of ISIS.
Jeb Bush says he will have to persuade voters he's not running just so another Bush will be in office.
In March, Sony's PlayStation 4 again bested Microsoft's Xbox One in console and software sales.
According to a new poll, 58 percent of Americans see the U.S. legalizing weed in all 50 states within the next 20 years.
"It is reasonable to assume that most nations would find it in their national interest to prevent conflict from extending into space."
The mother and father of Martin Richard, 8, wrote an editorial calling for the Boston Marathon murderer to get life in prison.
When JR Central opens its rail lines for business in 2027, its trains will run at a maximum speed of 505 kilometers per hour.
The law would repeal a despised, decade-old formula for how to pay doctors through the federal healthcare program.
At least 14 people in a community in Ondo state have died from the strange disease in the last 10 days. The World Health Organization and others are investigating.
An appeals court in New Orleans will hear the case that temporarily halted the president's executive actions on immigration.
U.S. paratroopers arrived in Ukraine earlier this week to train the country's newly created national guard.
If the pontiff visits the island nation, he would be the third head of the Roman Catholic Church to travel to the country.