More new medications were approved last year than any other year since 2001, especially for complex conditions and chronic illnesses.
Google's mobile service could be unveiled at the company's I/O developer conference in May.
The maps, which cover just 0.4 percent of the sky, show the distribution of dark matter filaments and galactic clusters.
Iraq's prime minister is scheduled to make his first visit to the White House as U.S.-led airstrikes pound ISIS in the Middle East.
Obama's move last November to ease immigration rules using his executive authority largely disappointed tech industry leaders.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said the city-state's economy was on track to meet the official forecast of 2-4 percent growth in 2015.
Japan is seeking authorization to slaughter 330 minke whales a year for the next 12 years for scientific research.
Russia's move to resume selling a missile system to Iran could endanger the proposed nuclear deal with the latter.
Tennessee's cannabis oil bill is different than a bill introduced earlier this year that would legalize marijuana for limited medical purposes.
Russia had unsuccessfully suggested during negotiations that the text call for an immediate ceasefire and that an arms embargo include President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's government.
Russia’s missile systems contract with Iran was an $800 million agreement.
The comments were unexpected, at least by progressives, who saw them as an early sign she may shift away from the centrist economic policies pursued by her husband.
Rubio called on lawmakers to lower taxes, repeal Obamacare, and end the “dangerous concession to Iran and its hostility to Israel.”
The four guards opened fire with machine guns and grenade launchers on the Iraqis, including women and children, at Nisur Square.
“They knew it was close to Armenia and it was always a dream to come to Jerusalem."
The military base has warned service members against sharing private information about their families and children online.
A study shows that the HPV vaccine could save health care dollars by warding off throat cancer in boys.
The 'Guitar Hero' franchise may not be gone for good.
A marijuana-derived drug may help epileptic patients, but ongoing tests show it has some side effects.
Marco Rubio is facing scrutiny for flip-flopping on immigration reform while Hillary Clinton has remained quiet on the issue.
JPMorgan Chase is the first of six major U.S. banks scheduled to post quarterly results between Tuesday and April 20.
How well is Wall Street's strategy on actively managed mutual funds holding up for investors?