Iraqi forces reportedly killed Abu Maria, a self-declared governor of ISIS for al-Hajaj and Albu-Tema areas.
Officials say seasonally adjusted figures are not so bad, but the outlook is "still grim."
In a report released Monday, a coalition of international aid groups said that reconstruction work in the Gaza Strip is still painfully slow.
According to the Airline Quality Rating report, companies struggled to readjust after years of mergers and acquisitions.
Countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe stepped up arms purchases as the U.S. reduced spending.
The Monday attack on the Moroccan embassy is the latest strike by ISIS against foreigners, embassies or oilfields in the country.
The Washington Post's Tehran bureau chief is accused of selling sensitive information to Americans.
Sale of the company is likely to take place in the next nine to 12 months.
Although low oil prices will help underpin growth there are "significant risks" to the regional outlook, according to the World Bank.
Some of the cyberattacks have been in the form of specially crafted emails, written in recipients’ native languages.
U.S. officials fear advanced weaponry from Iran could turn the tide in the Houthis' favor.
Latin American leaders praised Obama for ending decades of U.S. hostility towards the communist-ruled island.
Despite some who say he's "delusional" U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry defended his presentation of a framework agreement on Iran's nuclear program.
The former president once said, "He who knows best knows how little he knows."
The former U.S. secretary of state made her 2016 intentions known in a simple email then loaded up the campaign bus and headed for Iowa.
The political alliance’s co-leaders say Israel should have the authority to take military action in the event Iran violates the final agreement.
The men were among thousands of people detained after freely elected Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was toppled in 2013 by the military.
Jeb Bush criticizes Obama-Clinton policies in a new video the same day Hillary Clinton supposedly will announce her candidacy for the U.S. presidency in 2016.
No. 1: The word "genocide" is the subject of fierce debate.
Reports indicate the children, with ages between 12 and 15, will be either held for ransom or trained as fighters for the Islamic State group.
Iran's state TV network Al Alam said on Sunday its Twitter account had been hacked and a false report was posted that an Iran-allied rebel leader in Yemen had died.
China says many officials targeted by its anti-corruption campaign have fled to the US, with whom it has no extradition treaty.