The Stalinist state denied that it carried out the hack, which revealed a trove of internal data, including salaries and social security numbers.
Jason Rezaian has been detained in Iran for almost five months, but the allegations against him are unclear.
Police are searching for the driver, after a woman filed a complaint that he physically assaulted and raped her Friday night.
“There is zero possibility that the hostages were victims of a crossfire,” a U.S. military official said.
Foreigners interviewed in bustling Times Square Saturday said they were generally sympathetic to the protesters' cause.
"The scope of this attack differs from any we have responded to in the past," the forensic investigator said.
Felix Baez, 43, was one of 256 Cuban doctors and nurses who went to West Africa to treat Ebola patients.
The visit was a “matter of convenience for the President, not a matter of urgency,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said.
Ahmed H. Aden, 34, has been charged in the hit-and-run death of a teenage boy outside the Somali Center of Kansas City on Thursday night.
Former U.S. President George W. Bush weighs in on the decision not to indict NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo.
“This is not the time to risk a breakdown when we still have a chance at a breakthrough,” Biden said regarding new sanctions.
The typhoon has gained strength as it approaches eastern shores of central Philippines.
U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said "10,800 troops, rather than 9,800, could remain in Afghanistan ... for the first few months in 2015."
The latest diagnosis marks the second reported case of H7N9 bird flu in China in the past two weeks.
Several pagan legends are associated with the modern incarnation of Santa Claus.
The Bahrain base is expected to cost almost $23 million, as it marks a significant expansion of the U.K.'s naval presence in the Middle East.
"The Crew" sets out to be a massive, multiplayer racing game unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Yet it delivers so little.
Adnan Shukrijumah, believed to be al Qaeda’s chief of global operations, was wanted in the U.S. on charges related to a 2009 terrorism plot.
Researchers use tree-ring samples and climate data provided by NOAA to determine the California drought is the worst in 1,200 years.
U.S. and Yemeni forces launched a raid to rescue Somers late Friday, after the U.S. learned his captors planned to kill him Saturday.
The outgoing defense secretary, on an unannounced visit to Kabul, expressed support for the country's fight against the Taliban.
Weather bureau PAGASA reportedly said that Typhoon Hagupit could make landfall at least five times between Sunday and Monday.