Not only does Australia have the highest number of illicit drug users, it also has the highest number of Ecstasy users, says a U.N. report.
Tariq Khdeir, 15, had gone to Israel to attend the funeral of his cousin Muhammad Abu Khdeir, whose death started clashes Friday.
A new video reportedly shows the double-amputee Pistorius walking without his prosthetic legs with his hand clenched, apparently pretending to hold a gun.
More than 60 women and girls kidnapped by the Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram in June reportedly escaped Friday night.
An apparent "anti-Obama" float caused controversy at a Fourth of July parade in Nebraska.
President Obama caught flak for his handling of the immigration crisis from all angles on the airwaves Sunday.
Two-term U.S. Sen. Alan Dixon lost his bid for a third term when he lost his primary to Carol Moseley Braun, the first black female elected to the Senate.
Miley Cyrus let her nipple go free on Instagram to show off her new tattoo.
As Kurds seek independence, Sunni militants destroying Shiite mosques in northern Iraq.
Boehner reiterates that President Obama has failed to "faithfully execute the laws."
German president warns charges a BND agent spied for the CIA could be a breaking point for U.S.-German relations.
Christine Lagarde & Co. appear to believe economic momentum has slackened since the publication of a key report in April.
Internet architect notes repressive governments will work hard to prevent the spread of information.
Shark had been struggling to get off hook when swimmer got in its way.
Caliph makes 15-minute address at Al-Nouri Mosque in Mosul, Iraq, dressed in religious garb with a full beard.
The Barcelona striker will miss the rest of the World Cup, and Brazil next squares off against a formidable German side in the semifinals.
Al Shabaab claims responsibility for the Thursday attack on a Somali lawmaker.
The House Ways and Means Committee says the U.S. Constitution shields it in the case involving a staff member.
The suit could weigh as much as 400 pounds, but it would enable impressive agility and speed.
NASA signed a $2.8 billion deal with Boeing to build a rocket that would eventually be used to send astronauts to Mars -- and beyond.