Those of you who piled into gold on a Glenn Beck-inspired belief that the U.S. dollar would collapse should meditate on this analysis.
While Denmark and New Zealand retained their top slots, North Korea landed at the bottom of the 2013 worldwide corruption index.
November’s employment report could tip the finely-balanced stimulus reduction decision either way.
While the sequester spending cuts remain in place, lawmakers try to find an alternative -- and that's proving elusive.
With no notable data or earnings releases, Tuesday's trading session looks to be stock-taking time for investors.
Will Cognizant's move to hire thousands of workers in the country appease critics concerned about the loss of American jobs?
Joe Biden called on Japan and China to find ways to build confidence, while the State Department asked China to cancel no-fly zone rules.
An airline group distributed air sickness bags at a Washington airport Monday, asking fliers if higher taxes on air travel made them sick.
The German auto safety authority sees no reason to look further into those three Tesla Model S fires.
Iceland has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, including a near absence of gun violence.
Human error isn't as common as you might think in train derailments.
Former Jonas Brothers band member Joe Jonas recently discussed his drug and sex history.
It's getting harder and harder to make a believable case against genetically modified crops.
Following an aggressive market rally this year, a correction is in the cards for 2014, but a new bear market is not.
Here’s a Cyber Monday ad some bargain hunters were probably not expecting to see.
A new study that observed the effects of energy drinks showed two of its main ingredients may increase heart contraction rates an hour after consumption.
The bank said this top trade for 2014 best framed risks and rewards related to Chinese economic growth and commodity market risks.
U.S. manufacturers still have a technological advantage over China in 3D printing, but not for long.
Geopolitics could trump supply-and-demand fundamentals in determining the price of crude oil.
Consumers can't live without their smartphones, but there's a reason why mobile devices haven't supplanted PCs for e-purchases.
Autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, is easily passed from parent to child before birth, and there currently is no cure, researchers say.
Japan expects Washington’s support in its air defense zone dispute with China, but the vice president also needs to diffuse tensions with Beijing.