The $1.55 billion deal follows an 18-month bidding process involving the world’s top steelmakers.
China is set to achieve a major headway in its ambitious space program with the launch of Yutu moon rover, on Monday.
The U.S. is asking airlines to report their flight plans to the Chinese, while rejecting the claim.
Merrill Newman, 85, was detained while attempting to find fellow Korean war veterans in North Korea.
China's unilateral declaration of an "air defense zone" has both rattled and perplexed the international community.
Food and Chemical Toxicology's editor-in-chief says a heavily criticized study will be retracted if the author does not withdraw it.
Why are users worldwide having issues logging into the PlayStation Network the same day the PS4 is launching in the U.K.?
Check out how some of your favorite celebrities celebrated Thanksgiving this year.
Delays in the approval of Keystone XL have led Canada to find other means of moving its crude to market.
You could purchase pretty much anything you want while laying down with your laptop open.
If you are in the market for a new furry friend, today's the day: The ASPCA is waiving cat adoption fees in New York on Black Friday.
Protesters dispersed peacefully after making an appeal to the country's military.
Brazil's big city apartment prices are currently 60% higher than in Miami - enough to worry Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller.
How many deals are there for the Samsung Galaxy S4 on Black Friday?
European consumers summoned a bit of American Black Friday spirit with the EU launch of the Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4). While some launches were uneventful, some looked like something out of the American shopping holiday.
China's Defense ministry responded sarcastically to Japanese and American requests to revoke the Air Defense Identification Zone.
Black Friday is spreading outside of the U.S.
Several news outlets are quick to say "Thanksgiving Day is the busiest day to fly," but what does U.S. airspace really look like on Nov. 28?
Episode 8 of "American Horror Story" will air on FX on Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 10 p.m.
The traditional smoking lounge is outside, but anyone with e-cigarettes can now light up in Heathrow Airport at the new "vaping zone."
Traders are back from the Thanksgiving break, and Friday’s short session looks set for thin volumes and ending November on a high note.
The event will feature the creations of Picasso, Rembrandt and China’s leading artists, including the most expensive living Asian artist.