The NSA's phrase: “I much prefer to be here today explaining these programs than explaining another 9/11 event."
Five of the 10 most satisfying destinations for expats are in Asia, HSBC says.
Dean Baker, The Guardian's economist, argues that Alan Greenspan owes America an apology for causing the entire financial crisis of 2008. Really?
Despite strong earnings overall, Starbucks’ financial summary for 2013 so far highlighted a tough year in Europe and other regions.
Seven of the 10 biggest Chinese foreign mergers or acquisitions by the Chinese so far this year were in the energy sector.
As the nation grapples with its alarming rise in health care costs, MIT looks at why technology hasn’t helped.
African governments raised a record $8 billion in bonds this year, contributing to the continent's exposure to global financial breakdowns.
Nicki Minaj approved of Ellen DeGeneres' Halloween costume this year, which was made complete with a breast-baring jacket and blonde wig.
Aswany argues that Israel seeks a weak Egypt so it can dominate the region.
The contraband was found at a hostel in a Lima suburb.
Student debt, now more than $1 trillion combined, affects graduates' credit scores and ability to buy a home.
Halloween would appear to be almost completely incompatible with the tenets of Christianity.
Kim Kardashian opened up on the Jay Leno Show Wednesday night about her weight loss, and what she really thinks of her critics.
The Food and Drug Administration tested imported spices over a three-year period and found many contaminated with “filth” such as salmonella, insects and hair.
Pakistan's Geo-TV has earned the wrath of many conservatives over what they view as corrupt content and pro-Indian propaganda.
Forbes' latest list of the most powerful people is a window into the world's shifting power base.
Japanese pension funds remain healthy gold investors, according to the World Gold Council.
Only one U.S. city made Lonely Planet’s 2014 watch list, and it’s not one of North America’s coastal charmers.
China took the polar opposite approach when handling a high-profile emergency situation.
Syria fulfilled its obligations a day before the deadline set by The Hague-based OPCW.
The new age limit will come to force within six months and follows a ban on smoking in public places.
Find out what happened in the Halloween episode of "American Horror Story: Coven."