The five were charged with stealing hundreds of millions of dollars and 160 million credit cards.
After announcing three free months of Netflix with the new Chromecast streaming device, Google canceled the offer roughly 24 hours later.
Tropical Storm Dorian is projected to weaken in the coming days, according to the National Weather Service.
When they return from August recess, Republicans will have just 9 legislative days to figure out a plan to fund the U.S. government.
Kim Kardashian is steadily losing weight after giving birth to North West on June 15
With his newly won parliamentary majority in both houses of the Diet, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe faces an important choice.
As Chinese real estate prices continue to soar, investors are moving their money to Detroit in hopes of turning a profit.
It’s unclear when and why the government started requesting access to passwords from major Internet companies -- and whether it's legal.
Zoo animals at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia, got their first glimpse of Google Glass when zookeepers spent a week donning the smart glasses.
The American automaker became the top producer for the first time in six quarters - signaling U.S. auto industry strength.
The number of digital TV viewers will hit a crucial tipping point in 2014, with Netflix now leading the pack.
The iconic Lincoln Memorial was discovered to have been vandalized early Friday. Local authorities reveal what happened and when the memorial is expected to reopen.
The second half of the summer blockbuster season continues with more films opening on the weekend of July 26.
Americans felt better about the current economic climate during July, but they expect lower GDP growth up ahead.
Birds, beavers and amphibians have died as a result of a series of oil leaks from underground wells in Alberta.
Apple continues to hold its spot as a top technology brand in the U.S. across mobile phone, tablet and computer categories, a new survey reveals.
The massive settlement could make several other banks facing similar lawsuits feel uneasy.
Narendra Modi, head of the Indian state of Gujarat, who has been denied a U.S. visa, recently drew the disapproval of Amartya Sen.
Here are the results of a screen that produced a list of eight notable companies set to report their earnings.
Communism has a long and winding history in Italy, the very center of Western Christendom.
While the government is telling us that the unemployment rate is steadily coming down, the truth is it's still out of control.
Republicans have failed dozens of times at repealing the health care law. What is their last-ditch, all-out effort?