Complete text of the G-8 communique on global economy issued on Monday. The meeting continues Tuesday.
Terrance Brown, accused Florida bank robber, hopes the revelation of mass NSA phone surveillance will help exonerate him.
Dave Chappelle will co-headline Funny or Die's five week Oddball Comedy and Curiosity Festival tour this summer.
Fourteen 7-Elevens have been raided by the federal government for exploiting and employing illegal workers.
The United States is looking to avenge their opening Hexagonal defeat to Honduras when the sides meet in Utah.
Lesson for the EU's president: Don't mess with France's perception of its "exception culturelle." The French will get very angry.
Edward Snowden graced the Internet with his presence today. How did Twitter react?
A FISC judge ruled in favor of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, allowing it to sue to make public a secret court decision on surveillance methods.
EU Minister Egemen Bağiş had some choice words for the weekly British magazine.
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak recently made some comments about PRISM, iOS 7 and Android.
Americans say the military has too much on it plates and also worry Syria's anti-government groups may be no better than the government.
Nieto has vowed to push ahead with Pemex reforms that could open Mexican energy business to outsiders.
Pro-gay-marriage commentators like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews discussed gay marriage more often than opponents like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, according to a Pew Research study.
Beyonce sent warm wishes to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on Monday after the reality star gave birth to their first child on Saturday.
The gold price rally in the late 1970s turned out to be a bubble. Societe Generale thinks this time is not much different.
Apple disclosed information about U.S. government requests and showed which user information is safe from NSA probes.
EU regulators look set to approve an $8.2 billion takeover of NYSE Euronext by Intercontinental Exchange, or ICE.
In the last six months, Apple shared info from about 9,000 specific consumer accounts, here’s why.
The EU and the U.S. launched negotiations over a historic trade deal at the G-8 summit, despite French objections late last week.
The justices said the Arizona provision conflicts with the national motor voter law.
The U.S. congratulated Iran President-elect Rowhani among hopes that the moderate win will change Iran's course.
Many Americans view China’s emergence as the world’s second largest economy with trepidation. The United States, it seems, is in decline.