A planned speech at a U.S. university by Narendra Modi, the chief minister of India’s Gujarat state, was cancelled Sunday following protests.
In an almost-unprecedented medical milestone, a baby born with HIV appears to have been cured by an aggressive drug treatment regimen.
Tales of China's empty cities continue to fascinate because of the country's headlong rush into the development of real estate.
U.S. President Barack Obama will nominate the Walmart Foundation president for the position Monday, sources said Sunday.
The unsuccessful presidential contender acknowledged he underestimated the appeal of Obamacare in a televised interview Sunday.
It's almost time to set your clocks forward an hour in accordance with daylight saving time 2013 to better take advantage of sunny hours during the coming warm months.
Learn about gastroenteritis, the stomach ailment that is afflicting Queen Elizabeth II, sending her to a hospital for treatment on Sunday.
A suspected suicide bomber attacked Shi'ite Muslims as they were leaving a mosque in Karachi, Pakistan, Sunday, killing scores of people.
While he won't budge on sequester, Speaker Boehner said the House will act next week to avoid a government shutdown.
Having watched lawmakers bounce from crisis to crisis on the way to the current sequestration, the speaker puts his foot down on spending cuts.
Mokhtar Belmokhtar, presumed masterminded of the attack on an Algerian gas complex, has been killed in Mali, Chad’s armed forces say.
Syrian President Assad expressed willingness to negotiate with the opposition, but accused Britain of attempting to militarize the conflict.
The casino-resort operator made the acknowledgment in its annual report to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is visiting Egypt, focused on helping leaders revive their moribund economy.
The anticipated sequestration process began to take effect hours ago. Here is what's been sliced and diced in Washington already.
Iran continues to back Assad's regime as the U.S. and the West pledge more money and supplies to the rebels.
Only three countries in the world haven't officially adopted the metric system. The U.S. is getting there. Sort of. Slowly.
For the third year in a row, U.S.-based companies in China saw their profits decline. Why now?
The U.S. natural-gas production boom has cut a chasm down the middle of corporate America over exports of liquefied natural gas, or LNG.
Hank Aaron, now in the twilight of his life, never enjoyed the acclaim or popularity of Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, or Mickey Mantle.
The U.S. has a staggering rate of child poverty. For ideas on what to do about it, a good place to look is Europe -- if there is the political will.
The yen's slide is an effort to jump-start Japan, but holders of the dollar, won, Euro, yuan and other currencies see it as an act of aggression.