U.S. Android Users Hit With Spam Virus

Android Users Hit With Spam Botnet Virus 'SpamSoldier'

Smartphones across the United States using Google's (Nasdaq: GOOG) operating system are being infected with a new form of malicious software known as SpamSoldier, according two separate reports from network security firms released this week.
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Three More Polio Workers Killed In Pakistan; UN Suspends Vaccination Drive

Three more health workers were killed Wednesday in Pakistan when unidentified gunmen a attacked polio vaccine administration camp, in a fresh wave of violence against the U.N.-backed vaccination drive, taking total death toll to eight. The U.N. said it is cancelling a three-day vaccination drive following the bloodshed.
Chris Stevens

Benghazi Inquiry Slams US State Department For Security Lapse

Leadership and management deficiencies within the State Department were blamed for the inadequate security measures at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, which came under attack on Sept. 11, leading to the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans.
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NRA's Facebook, Twitter Pages Return To Life After Critical Reports Emerge

The National Rifle Association's Facebook and Twitter pages went back online Tuesday evening at the conclusion of a day marked by a slew media reports criticizing the NRA for going dark on social media and failing to address the Newtown, Conn., massacre last Friday that left 20 students, six adults and the shooter, Adam Lanza dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School.


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