An elementary school in Omaha had to shut down a 2012 NCAA tournament pool created by 11 year old Max Kohll. The fifth grader, who is betting on North Carolina Tar Heels, told friends to fill out their brackets and bring a $5 entry fee to school. He got his $5 loan from his mom.
John Demjanjuk, a former Ford autoworker and convicted Nazi, died Saturday in the Bavarian town of Bad Feilnbach at the age of 91. Demjanjuk, who was a guard at the Sobibor Nazi death camp in Poland during World War II, was sentenced to five years in jail in 2011.
You can't blame investors for feeling a bit squeamish regarding deploying new money in the U.S. stock market these days, despite the Dow Jones Industrial Average's (DJIA) recent rise to 13,000. Where's the Dow headed in the next three months?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has suggested more clinical trials to back up Watson Pharmaceuticals' New Drug Application (NDA 22-139) for Progesterone Vaginal Gel 8%.
Stumpys Stickers & Stuff, the website accused of originally designing the offensive, racist bumper art aimed at U.S. President Barack Obama is now down. The art work went viral on both Facebook and Twitter and now some Twitter users, who thought the sticker was a fake, are happy that the site is not functioning.
At a time when providing their babies with clean and dry diapers have become a serious concern for majority of American families, Weyerhaeuser and the World Vision are holding a national diaper drive from March 12 to 30.
Moms require more training and education in handling a humidifier in a child's room during cold and flu, says a survey conducted by the Vicks Humidifiers.
St. Patrick's Day (like many other American holidays) has degraded into a vulgar, commercial enterprise that has completely undermined its original purpose.
Exxon Mobil has not suspended its work in Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region, an aide to the region's president said on Saturday, after Baghdad said Exxon had frozen its Kurdish deal.
Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul is known for his loyal support base. According to the figures, he is started with $1.6 million in hand for the month of March and in this indeed is a sign of distress for his campaign.
Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has called on Pakistanis to revolt against their government, treading the path of Arab Spring that rocked several Middle Eastern nations.
Ever since the identity of the primary suspect in the Afghan massacre was leaked to the public, rumors swirled raising questions about his military service record, his mental stability, and his personal life.
A top regulator on Friday slammed a House bill to boost small business growth, adding to the chorus of critics who appear poised to derail passage of a rare bi-partisan bid to spur growth in an election year.
Ford has stated that about 1,700 employees have agreed to an offer for early retirement, which will mean that they will be leaving the company on June 1 this year.
The U.S. and European regulators are investigating whether Google violated privacy of users by a special computer code that tricks Apple's Safari Web-browsing software into letting them monitor many users according to a report by Bloomberg.
A source at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. who has been neither charged nor identified in a broad U.S. insider-trading probe was heard via wiretap leaking secrets about Apple Inc. and the Intel Corp., an attorney for former Goldman Sachs board member Rajat Gupta said in court on Friday.
The US soldier who gunned down 16 Afghan villagers including women and children on Sunday was identified as Staff Sergeant Robert Bales.
The American soldier alleged to have carried out the massacre of 16 civilians in Afghanistan last weekend -- an event that has rocked already-shaky relations between the two countries -- was identified as U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales on Friday.
Earlier this week, Cumulus Media sent out an email blast to fellow radio station owners with a photoshopped picture of former U.S. Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, promoting him as the conservative talk radio host of the future.
The primary advocate group for former MF Global customers is undertaking an effort to convert the commodities broker's bankruptcy status to one that allows a more streamlined liquidation process, saying it would preserve more potential payback for customers.
The current, unprecedented level of global youth unemployment has raised the risk of creating a lost generation, Nemat Shafik, deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund, wrote in a blog post Thursday.
Consumer prices rose the most in 10 months in February as the cost of gasoline spiked, but there was little sign that underlying inflation pressures were building up.