FLA: Better Pay, Working Conditions for Apple Chinese Assemblers

Radio show on Apple's Chinese workers is retracted

The U.S. radio program This American Life has retracted an episode critical of working conditions at a Chinese factory that makes iPhones and iPads for Apple Inc, saying it had contained numerous fabrications.

Exxon Mobil Freezes Kurdish Oil Exploration Deal

Iraq's West Qurna Oilfield
After months of speculation and suggested threats against Exxon Mobil Corp., Iraqi officials announced Friday that the largest U.S. oil and gas company has frozen its deal with Kurdistan. Exxon Mobil declined to comment.

Bain Capital: Is Romney Profiting From Surveillance In China? Obama Campaign Cries Hypocrisy

Bain Capital and Chinese Surveillance
As China's Communist Party government continues to ramp up surveillance on political dissidents, it is becoming increasingly questionable ethically for the companies that provide it with the relevant technology and services. One such company, owned by the Mitt Romney-founded private equity firm Bain Capital, stands to profit from the country's domestic security boom.
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Hamid Karzai

Karzai Hints At US Cover-Up In Soldier Rampage Investigation

Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai has attacked the United States for failing to fully cooperate with an investigation into the murder of 16 Afghan civilians, adding that he does not believe American claims the killings were the work of only one soldier.
Google Search to become smarter

Google Revamps Search to Resemble ‘How Humans Understand the World’

Google is in for a major retooling of its search engine, aiming to make big changes in how it searches the Web. While traditional Internet search technologies recognize keywords typed into query boxes and deliver links to seemingly relevant Web sites, Google plans to do more than that – understand what people are actually searching for.
Hugo Chavez takes sample of Venezuelan oil

Venezuela To End All Ventures With Exxon Mobil

Venezuela's state-run oil company will terminate all ventures with Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM), the biggest U.S. oil company, when arbitration proceedings conclude, Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said.


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