The Encyclopaedia Britannica, for nearly a quarter of a millenium the English-speaking world's singular authority on virtually all disciplines, will no longer publish a paper edition as one of the most revered icons of the pre-digital world morphs into so many gigabytes.
Finally, a mall the founder of the Mormon faith, Joseph Smith, could warm up to ... though it may not be the best shopping spot for your run-of-the-mill teenager.
Greg Smith, a.k.a. the modern-day Jerry Maguire, quit his job on Wednesday. This wouldn't be news if Smith weren't an executive director for Goldman Sachs, and nobody would have batted an eyelash if didn't publicly blast his company in a New York Times op-ed. But he was. And he did.
Mitt Romney's southern struggles shouldn't be too big of a problem if Romney secures the nomination, as seems likely. Far-right voters are not about to vote for President Barack Obama, no matter who his opponent is.
The two leaders are expected to hold talks on a wide range of issues including the withdrawal of U.S. and UK forces from Afghanistan and the ongoing crisis in Syria.
'I think it's very bizarre, John Ramsey said of the childhood beauty pageant circuit.
Developed economies will pick up steam this year thanks to an array of ultra-loose monetary policies from major central banks and amid new signs of progress in the euro zone's debt crisis, a Reuters polls found.
Crude inventories rose last week, with stocks at the trading hub in Cushing, Oklahoma increasing to an nine-month high, while oil products fell, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration showed on Wednesday.
Though he's no expert on the subject, Barack Obama on ESPN Wednesday morning for a yearly segment called Barack-etology to announce his pick for NCAA 2012 March Madness Champion, the North Carolina Tarheels. How has Obama fared in previous his previous March Madness picks, and what political implications might his picks have this year leading up to the national election?
A former reporter on the News of the World newspaper, the defunct News Corp British paper at the heart of phone-hacking and corruption allegations, said he lost his job as crime correspondent because he refused to bribe police officers.
Global warming is going to affect several coastal states in the U.S., as the sea level is projected to rise up to 8 inches in the coming decades, according to a new study.
Check out some of New York City's best Irish pubs for St. Patrick's Day 2012.
The Obama administration is leaving open the possibility of giving Moscow certain secret data on U.S. interceptor missiles due to help protect Europe from any Iranian missile strike.
Apple might have more cash than the U.S. government, but a wave of disillusionment with the seemingly magical tech giant may be underway. The latest example includes a class-action lawsuit over its false and misleading Siri advertisements.
Ironically, the arrests came just one day after a visit to Iran by the Azeri defense minister.
Lori Anne Madison, a 6 year old from Virginia, will become the youngest contestant in the Scripps National Spelling Bee after she won a regional competition in Virginia.
The Fed chairman said smaller banks are getting stronger despite the slow U.S. recovery, and he assured community bankers that the sweeping financial regulatory overhaul of 2010 is aimed at much bigger players.
Gold fell to its lowest since mid-January on Wednesday after a modest upgrade of the U.S. Federal Reserve's economic outlook added zip to the dollar and gave investors an excuse to lighten holdings of bullion.
It's time to get in line as Apple has announced that the new iPad will be in stores around the world at 8 a.m. local time on Friday.
HTC Corporation has become the direct competitor to Samsung Electronics in the Android market and to prove this, the Taiwan-based handset vendor has recently confirmed its big plans to bring Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update to all of its latest 16 devices.
Stocks were largely flat on Wednesday as investors balanced comments from the Federal Reserve on the economy and banking sector against the recent, five-day rally.
Flat screen maker LG Display Co Ltd is supplying touch-screen panels for Apple Inc's new iPad, a source close to the matter said on Wednesday.