US Soldier Slaughters Afghan Civilians Near Kandahar

Afghan Killing
A U.S. Army sergeant killed at least 16 civilians, nine of them children, in southern Aghanistan before dawn Sunday in the latest outrage to threaten U.S.-Afghan relations, Afghan and American officials said.
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US Soldier Shoots Afghan Civilians In Kandahar: Reports

A U.S. soldier in Afghanistan is believed to have killed at least three Afghan civilians after leaving his base in Kandahar province, the BBC reported. Following the incident, the soldier surrendered to U.S. military authorities, the BBC said.
Republican presidential candidate former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) speaks as former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) listens during the Republican presidential candidates debate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, January 16, 2012.

Mitt Romney And Rick Santorum Both Score Wins On A Super Saturday

Both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum claimed victories in Republican Party presidential-nomination contests conducted Saturday, as the former won the caucuses in Wyoming, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, while the latter won the caucuses in Kansas.
China Reports $31.48 Billion Trade Deficit for February

China Reports $31.48 Billion Trade Deficit in February

China had a trade deficit of $31.48 billion in February, according to data revealed by the General Administration of Customs Saturday. This is another indication that global economic condition is continuing to affect the country's exports.
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Glencore bidding for grain handler Viterra: report

Commodities and mining giant Glencore has made a 3.5 billion pound (US$5.5 billion) approach for Canada's biggest grain handler Viterra, Britain's Sunday Telegraph newspaper said on its website on Saturday.
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Kristen Stewart Gets Raunchy In On The Road [Video]

Ever since Jack Kerouac's novel On The Road was released in the 1950's, many wondered when a film adaptation would be developed. Yet decades passed before Hollywood could bring the classic tale to the big screen.
Daylight Saving Time Causes Sleep Deprivation

Daylight Saving Time 2012: 3 Possible Risks To Your Health

Daylight saving time will begin Sunday at 2:00 a.m., stripping sleepers of an hour of precious and much-needed time. While many people feel inconvenienced by the loss of sleep, the effects of losing an hour can be more extreme than just being grouchy.
The new iPad Release Review

New iPad Release Review: Should You Upgrade From The iPad 2?

On Wednesday, Apple finally unveiled its third-generation iPad, known simply as the new iPad to tech aficionados and customers around the world. The new iPad will officially be released and available to customers on March 16, 2012, globally. But is it worth an upgrade from the iPad 2? Here, we review the two tablets and give a final verdict on whether the new iPad is worth it.
Sony Xperia Ion

Apple iPhone 5: Buy a Sony Xperia Ion on AT&T or Wait for iPhone 5?

Sony is said to be readying its Xperia Ion AT&T LTE smartphone for an end of March launch, well before Apple will get around to the iPhone 5 release. If your contract is coming up in the next couple of months, these will certainly be two devices to consider, even if you're not an AT&T customer.
Will Google Nexus tablet be a Kindle Fire killer?

Google Nexus Tablet Release Date: Kindle Fire Killer Coming in May?

Google talks are focusing more on a new tablet that the search engine specialist is releasing with partnership with Asus. This new tablet, which is rumored to be a “Kindle Fire Killer” as it will have the same price tag and screen size as Amazon’s offering, is expected to hit U.S. stores in May.
A man leaves the New York State Department of Financial Services Foreclosure Relief Unit in Brentwood, New York February 10, 2012

Court OK Of $25 Billion Mortgage Deal To Be Sought Monday

The $25 billion settlement between five large U.S. banks accused of abusive mortgage practices on the one side and federal and state government officials on the other side that was announced Feb. 9 will be filed in federal court on Monday, people familiar with the matter said.

iPhone 5 Release: Killer App is iWallet?

The dust of new iPad’s rumors has not completely settled yet and there is more big news from Apple. The tech giant has won the patent for iWallet, which could be a killer app in iPhone 5.
The new iPad Release Review

New iPad Effect: Top Places to Buy Apple iPad 2 at Cheaper Rates

Following the release of the New iPad, Apple dropped the iPad 2 price by $100 in the U.S. And getting cue from Apple, many national retailers have also cut the prices of the device. Here're the places you should visit to grab the Apple iPad 2 at lesser price compared to its original $499 price tag.


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