Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem meets the Chinese envoy to Syria Li Huaxin in Damascus.

Syrian Conflict Shifts Chinese Foreign Policy

The Syrian crisis has pushed the Chinese to engage internationally significantly more than it has in the past. Some remain skeptical as to China's interest in Syria, but the recently released 6-point statement shows a China attempting to strike a middle-ground.

New Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implant Gets FDA Approval

A laboratory worker of Silimed factory checks silicone in Rio de Janeiro, in this picture taken on March 27, 2003.
The privately held Sientra Inc. on Friday joined the publicly traded Allergan Inc. and Johnson & Johnson (Mentor Worldwide LLC) as the only three companies to have won U.S. Food and Drug Administration approvals to market controversial silicone gel-filled breast implants.

U.S. Senator Calls for Naval Blockade of Iran

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
In a bid to pressurize Iran into giving up its nuclear weapons ambitions, the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee said a naval blockade of Iranian oil exports should precede a U.S.-Israel joint military action against the Islamic nation.
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Import surge sends China trade to decade-deep deficit

China's trade balance plunged $31.5 billion into the red in February as imports swamped exports to leave the largest deficit in at least a decade and fuel doubts about the extent to which frail foreign demand or seasonal distortion drove the drop.
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China Feb trade deficit at $31.5 billion as imports leap

China chalked up its largest trade deficit in at least a decade in February at $31.5 billion, as imports soared 39.6 percent on a year earlier at more than twice the pace of export growth, leaving analysts cautious about seasonal distortions to trade activity.
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''Kony 2012'' director answers critics of video

The director of a video sensation that calls for the arrest of Joseph Kony, the fugitive rebel leader of a Ugandan militia group, agreed on Friday with skeptics who have called the film oversimplified, saying it was deliberately made that way.
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''Kony 2012'' director answers critics of video

The director of a video sensation that calls for the arrest of Joseph Kony, the fugitive rebel leader of a Ugandan militia group, agreed on Friday with skeptics who have called the film oversimplified, saying it was deliberately made that way.
Applicants Fill Out Forms During a Job Fair at the Southeast LA-Crenshaw WorkSource Center in Los Angeles

Weekly US Economic Snapshot: How Are We Doing?

The economic picture got considerably messier this week, as positive data on job creation battled with gasoline-price-fueled inflation concerns in economists', policymakers' and consumers' minds. Joyous declarations that the economy is finally getting better have turned into more studious critiques of how the incipient recovery is actually affecting poor, working-class and middle-class people.
Iron and Steel Industry in China

China Economic Slowdown: Could It Bring Jobs Back To The US?

The global markets tumbled this week, due in part to concerns about China's slowed economic growth. There are several reasons, however, why China's economic slowdown could actually benefit the U.S., despite the market's immediate reaction. One reason is the possible return of jobs to the United States' manufacturing sector.
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Gold Forecast 2012 and Beyond: Why Prices Could Surge

Back in late 2010, billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson told “a standing-room-only crowd at New York’s University Club” that US inflation could hit double-digits in 2012. His forecast on gold and inflation, however, haven’t panned out so far in 2012.
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Regulator approves Cap One: HSBC deal

Bank regulators approved Capital One Financials acquisition of HSBC's $30 billion U.S. credit card business, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency announced on Friday.
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Job creation heralds stronger recovery

Employers added more than 200,000 workers to their payrolls for a third straight month in February, a sign the economy was strengthening and in less need of further monetary stimulus from the Federal Reserve.
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Government sues Buffett's NetJets unit for unpaid taxes

NetJets Inc, a private jet-sharing company owned by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc , was sued for $366.3 million by the government to recover unpaid taxes, four months after sued the government for nearly twice as much.
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Regulators approves Cap One-HSBC deal

Bank regulators approved Capital One Financial's acquisition of HSBC's $30 billion U.S. credit card business, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency announced on Friday.


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