Middle East Tidbits: $10 Billion Sex Drugs, Anorexic Model Bill, Rise in Marriageable Age

Israeli Model
Nearly 12 percent of Saudi Arabia's 20 million men are believed to be suffering from impotence and 80 percent of these cases are associated with psychological problems. Speaker of an Israeli legislative body is seeking to pass a bill which outlaws the use of images of extremely underweight models in Israeli media, reports said. Top Israeli model and actress Bar Refaeli has sued Suny Electronics Ltd., the authorized Israeli importer of Samsung mobile phones, for about $1.2 million in breach of...
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AIG to raise about $6 billion from AIA stake

American International Group is looking to raise about $6 billion by selling part of its stake in Asia subsidiary AIA Group Ltd in a long-awaited move to help the bailed-out U.S. insurer repay the federal government.
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AIG sells shares of AIA Group to investors

Bailed-out insurer American International Group Inc has announced the sale of shares of Hong Kong-based AIA Group Ltd by means of a placing to certain institutional investors.
Ron Paul on Iran at Arizona Republican Debate: Answer Gets Boos and Cheers

Ron Paul Unimpressed by Limbaugh Apology

Rep. Ron Paul expressed doubt Sunday that Rush Limbaugh was sincere when he apologized for calling a law student a slut over her support for President Barack Obama's new policy on insurance coverage of contraceptives.
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Saudi Arabia raises Arab Light oil price to Asia

Saudi Arabia has raised the price of its flagship Arab Light crude oil for customers in Asia, who buy more than half of its crude exports, by $1.25 a barrel for April, while cutting prices for its heavy crude for European buyers, state-run Saudi Aramco said on Sunday.
Syria Protest

Red Cross Kept from Delivering Aid to Rebel Stronghold in Homs

The International Committee of the Red Cross delivered emergency aid to areas near the battered Baba Amro district of Homs Sunday, but, for the third day running, the Syrian goverment kept it out of the former rebel bastion amid reports of bloody reprisals by Assad regime forces.
Full Text of Obama AIPAC Speech 2012

Full Text of Obama AIPAC 2012 Speech

Read Obama's address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference, where he talks about his commitment to Israel and the dangers of Iran's nuclear program.

Obama AIPAC Speech 2012: I Have Israel's Back

At his annual address at the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC Sunday morning, President Barack Obama sought to reaffirm his commitment to Israel's security while warning against too much loose talk of war that has driven up the cost of oil.
Courtesy of the Indiana National Guard, a handout photo shows a vehicle flipped over by a tornado in Henryville, Ind., March 3, 2012.

How to Cut (Some) Costs of a Natural Catastrophe

Natural catastrophes in the United States caused $35.9 billion in insured losses last year, significantly higher than the 2000-2010 annual average of $23.8 billion (in 2011 dollars). The Insurance Information Institute has some advice to speed the insurance-claims settlement process, should one of them happen in your neighborhood.


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