Client Exodus Likely to Push BlackBerry Fees Down

Research In Motion will be forced to slash the fees it charges carriers for BlackBerry service this year, an analyst said on Monday as another U.S. government customer edged away from the service, cutting into a pillar of the struggling smartphone company's business model.
obama netanyahu

An Attack on Iran is Israel's Right: Netanyahu

Sitting in the Oval Office before his much publicized, but private, meeting with President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel has the right to “defend itself, by itself.”
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Fed's Fisher: More bond buys risky, unlikely

Only a dire situation would call for the Federal Reserve to buy more assets, and that is unlikely given the better-looking economic data, a top central bank official said on Monday.
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Patent filings at record high, China UP 33%: WIPO

International filings for patent protection, a key indicator of technological innovation in major economies, hit an all-time record last year driven by growth in China and other middle- income countries, a United Nations agency said on Monday.
If Rush Limbaugh hasn't already offended enough young women across America, today's comment might just do it. On this morning's show, the controversial radio host made another insulting inference aimed at the female population.

Rush Limbaugh's Apology to Sandra Fluke Rejected

Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University law student who was referred to as a slut and a prostitute by conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh, has rejected his public apology, saying it was not sufficient enough.
Mazda company logo

Mazda Seeks to Raise $1.67B In Share Offering

Mazda Motor Corp. set the price of an approximately $1.67 billion share offering at a discounted ¥124 per share, roughly $1.53, on Monday in the hopes that the money raised can help fund a return to profitableness for the struggling Japanese car manufacturer.
Republicans Slam Obama Despite Positive February Jobs Report

Obama Is Growing a Spine -- Or Not

When folks think about President Barack Obama, two specific adjectives flash across millions of American minds: foreign-born and duplicitous. He also reads teleprompters very well.
Despite differing rumors flying about, it's widely expected that Apple will sell the iPad 3 for $499, the price of the iPad 2. Why? Because selling new products at old prices works.

iPad 3 Release Rumors: Why Apple Won't Raise The Price

Rumors about the iPad 3 display, battery life and network capabilities are all-but-confirmed, yet one of the biggest questions many are still wondering is, What's the price? Will Apple raise or lower the price from the iPad 2?
Republicans Slam Obama Despite Positive February Jobs Report

Obama’s AIPAC Speech: International Response

President Obama had some strong words for Iran during his speech on Sunday, but was optimistic about the impact of continued economic sanctions. Reactions to his comments have been largely positive, although interpretations have varied greatly in both Israel and the United States.
Obama Netanyau

Obama and Netanyahu Meet: War, Politics and Iran

U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are meeting on Monday to discuss the ever-intensifying topic of Iran's nuclear program and the possibility of a military strike.
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Walgreen February sales hit by Express Scripts exit

Walgreen Co's comparable sales fell more than expected in February, the second month that the largest U.S. drugstore chain did not fill prescriptions for patients in the Express Scripts Inc pharmacy benefits network.


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