Republican presidential nomination candidate Herman Cain.

After Launching Bestseller, Herman Cain Shifts Focus to Campaign

Now that Herman Cain has launched a bestseller with his brand new book This is Herman Cain! the Republican candidate for president says he will shift away from a recent focus on book sales and promotion to better focus on his campaign, and key states like New Hampshire and Iowa.
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Ayatolla Ali Khamenei

Iran Hails Occupy Wall Street Movement, Warns Capitalism Will Collapse

Senior government officials in Iran have hailed the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York and across the U.S., claiming the protests will eventually bring down the capitalist system. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reportedly stated that capitalism's “corrupt foundation has been exposed to the American people.
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Accused 'underwear bomber' pleads guilty in US

The Nigerian man accused of trying to use a bomb in his underwear to blow up a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day 2009 pleaded guilty on Wednesday to all charges against him and warned the United States could face a great calamity.
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ANC Treasurer General likes weaker rand

The recent weakness of the rand will benefit South African exporters and is positive for the economy, the treasurer general of the ruling African National Congress said on Wednesday.
Candidates speak at GOP debate

GOP Debate Winner(s): Cain, Romney Steal the Show

At Tuesday's GOP presidential debate, I was torn about whom to give the win: former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney or former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain. Do I give the win to Romney (which I ultimately did), who didn't do anything to lose his frontrunner position, remaining solid and sticking to his campaign script? Or Cain, for leaving Texas Gov. Rick Perry eating his dust as he took off past him, managing to keep the attention mostly on himself?
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Wal-Mart U.S. same-store sales up in last 3 months

Wal-Mart Stores Inc is finally seeing sustained improvement at its U.S. discount chain, with sales at Walmart stores open at least a year rising for three months straight, Walmart U.S. Chief Executive Bill Simon said on Wednesday.

Asus Zenbook Arrives But can it Dethrone the MacBook Air?

The highly anticipated Asus Zenbook has arrived in the US, boasting all powerful features packed into a smooth sleek exterior that weighs almost nothing. Sound familiar? Well, the Zenbook encapsulates many specs similar to its prime competitor-the almighty MacBook Air-but priced $200 dollars cheaper how does it really measure up?
Chris Christie

Mitt Romney 2012: Chris Christie for Vice President?

American might get a little of Chris Christie after all: leading GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said New Jersey Gov. Christie would be on his short list for a vice presidential running mate if he won the Republican Party's 2012 presidential nomination.
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Wall Street climbs on Slovakia talks optimism

Stocks opened higher on Wednesday, putting the S&P 500 on track for its sixth winning day in the past seven on optimism that Slovakia would reach a deal to expand the euro zone rescue fund.
iOS 5.1 Beta Seeded to Developers

Apple iOS 5 and the Problem with Internet Innovation

Apple's iOS 5 will be released on Wednesday, and the new iPhone operating system, with its 200 new features, is already being hailed as one of the biggest and best innovations in mobile technology to date. But, Apple is actually hurting Internet innovation and frustrating Web developers.
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Wall Streeet climbs on Slovakia talks optimism

Stocks opened higher on Wednesday, putting the S&P 500 on track for its sixth winning day in the past seven on optimism that Slovakia would reach a deal to expand the euro zone rescue fund.


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