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Clock ticks down on UBS tax case in U.S. court

The tax-evasion case first gained notoriety in June last year, when it was revealed that a former UBS AG banker once smuggled a client's diamonds into the United States in a toothpaste tube to avoid detection by U.S. authorities.

Obama: Africa aid must be matched by good governance

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U.S. President Barack Obama told Africans on Saturday that Western aid must be matched by good governance and urged them to take greater responsibility for stamping out war, corruption and disease plaguing the continent.

Obama: 'Recovery Act has worked as intended'

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President Barack Obama in a response to criticism that his administration's $787 billion stimulus bill has failed to help pull the economy out of the recession said the Recovery Act has worked as intended.
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Who will take care of Michael Jackson's children?

A court hearing scheduled for Monday to determine who will get temporary guardianship of Michael Jackson's children has been moved to July 20 at the request of Katherine Jackson and Debbie Rowe.
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North Korea army behind South web attack: report

North Korea's military is behind a series of cyber attacks against South Korean and U.S. websites that slowed or disabled access by saturating them with traffic this week, a South Korean news report said on Saturday.
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The dollar's trial by fire

The issue of reserve currencies and the reform of the international monetary regime will probably not take place at the Group Eight Summit (G8) with the so-called Group Five (G5) nations, despite the calls from China and other countries, according to industry experts.
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Big banks stop honoring California IOU's

The biggest U.S. banks, including Wells Fargo & Co. and Bank of America Corp., JP Morgan Chase and Citibank announced plans to stop exchanging the registered warrants for cash after Friday.
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GM exits bankruptcy

A new General Motors emerged from bankruptcy protection on Friday -- far more quickly than most industry watchers had expected -- as a leaner automaker pledging to win back American consumers and pay back taxpayers.
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Obama uses G8 debut to issue warning to Iran

U.S. President Barack Obama warned Iran on Friday the world will not wait indefinitely for it to end its nuclear defiance, saying Tehran had until September to comply or else face consequences.
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State Street buys back warrants for $60 mln-US Treasury

The U.S. Treasury said on Friday that State Street Corp. paid $60 million to buy back stock warrants, becoming the first of the largest U.S. banks to completely free itself from the government's financial bailout program.
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Daily Wrap Up for July 10 - Energy

The G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy, concluded on Friday.The U.S. Energy Department announced on Friday it will deploy funds of more than $589 million for energy efficiency and weatherization programs. Continental Automotive awarded for production of lithium-ion batteries.
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Daily Wrap up July 10 - Finance

The biggest U.S. banks, including Wells Fargo & Co. and Bank of America Corp., JP Morgan Chase and Citibank announced plans to stop exchanging the registered warrants for cash after Friday.
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Geithner seeks more control on derivatives

Obama administration officials outlined comprehensive proposals to rein in the free-wheeling market in financial derivatives on Friday, which has been blamed for helping to create the global economic crisis, and proposed stronger investor protections.
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Ethanol margins up on lower corn prices

Average U.S. ethanol margins have risen for the fourth week running as prices for corn, the top raw material cost for distillers, have fallen more than $1 a bushel over the month, experts said.
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Creditors oppose extending Lehman plan deadline

A group of unsecured creditors objected on Friday to a request by bankrupt Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc for more time to draft its reorganization plan, claiming the delay will cut into the $13 billion they say they are owed, according to court documents.
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Web manager won't say if others saw Goldman code

The owner of a website onto which a purportedly stolen Goldman Sachs Group Inc computer code was downloaded has declined to say whether or not other people accessed the code while it was on the site.
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Geithner seeks clampdown on derivatives dealers

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Friday proposed clamping down on dealers in freewheeling markets for derivatives, the little-understood, complex securities that helped create a crisis in U.S. and world financial markets.
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New GM exits bankruptcy

A new General Motors emerged from bankruptcy protection on Friday -- far more quickly than most industry-watchers had expected -- as a leaner automaker pledging to win back American consumers and pay back taxpayers.
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PCs could be hit next in Web attack: South Korea

Cyber attacks slowing U.S. and South Korean websites could enter a new phase on Friday by attacking personal computers and wiping out hard disks, a South Korean government agency and web security firm said.
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Top 10 Cities With Most Price Reductions

Real estate research site Trulia.com says 24.6 percent of current homes on the market in the United States as of July 1, have had at least one price cut, totaling $27.1 billion in reductions.
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Student homes shine amid Europe property gloom

Property investors are turning to the student accommodation sector as a would-be phoenix rising from the ashes of the UK real estate market, promising growth in returns and size for at least the next few years.
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Obama looking at girl scandalizes U.S.

President Barack Obama made headlines on Friday after a photo of him at the G8 summit apparently showed the president looking at a junior delegate from Brazil Mayora Tavares.


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