Guided-missile destroyer USS McCampbell sailed past the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea on March 10, angering Beijing.
As tourism plummets, several hotels and casinos were forced to furlough employees just to survive the impact of COVID-19 on their business.
"Our goal is to help flatten the curve on community spread in the cities we serve," said Andrew Macdonald, senior vice president, Uber Globel Rides and Platform, in a statement.
China reports just one new domestic virus case, 20 more imported
Immigrant detainees at Tacoma, Washington, are vulnerable to contagious diseases in the detention center.
President Donald Trump now believes the U.S. economy “maybe” heading toward a recession because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
President Donald Trump again refuses to admit to any mistakes, saying his response to the COVID-19 crisis is a '10.'
It’s important to understand that even when markets are crashing, investors usually prefer them to stay open so they can continue to trade.
Filming disruption may lead to the delay of “The Matrix 4” release date.
WHO named the disease COVID-19 to deter people from identifying it by location or ethnicity.
The company is yet to provide information on when more people can join for testing.
Ivanka Trump was exposed to coronavirus after she met with Australian home affairs minister Peter Dutton, who tested positive for COVID-19.
Virus-stricken airlines face bailout or bust
Melania Trump canceled the annual White House Easter Egg Roll after the National Emergency Declaration due to COVID-19.
Tokyo 1940: The Games that became the 'Missing Olympics'
Las Vegas grinds to halt as casinos close over virus
Quarantine motels spark fear in virus-struck Washington state
Coronavirus could create bed shortage in US hospitals
Donald Trump rates his coronavirus response a perfect 10.
Due to the rising cases of COVID-19, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has decided to close its doors for the next six to eight weeks and cancel all the events until May 15, which include the star-studded Met Gala.
New breed of US survivalists prepped for collapse
A recent spate of fire bombings in the Baltimore area have drawn the ire of the city’s Muslim community as they clamor for more stringent and aggressive hate crime prosecution.