United Auto Workers union asks Ford, GM, Fiat Chrysler to shut down U.S. operations for two weeks.
Providing the government with location data raises privacy concerns.
US names IS chief on terror blacklist
After reports that Trump attempted to buy the exclusive rights to a German firm's coronavirus vaccine, the G7 convened over video and insisted that research and treatments cannot be monopolized.
Close the markets? It won't happen, Mnuchin says
UK rolls out tougher virus action after dire science warning
White House, Fed rolling out plans to save US economy
All Macy's, Bloomingdale's, and Nordstrom stores will close through the rest of March due to the impact of the coronavirus.
US auto workers union seeks two-week halt due to virus
After head start on virus, Africa begins clampdown
Germany's economy was already in a weak state prior to the coronavirus outbreak.
Americans for Prosperity says aid should be focused and benefit people and businesses that really need help.
US and China trade barbs over coronavirus
Facebook workers to receive $1,000 bonuses as the social media giant looks to offer support during the coronavirus outbreak.
Europe locks down as WHO calls for 'boldest actions' against pandemic
Many restaurant chains are taking measures to serve patrons while curbing the spread of COVID-19.
The ongoing coronavirus outbreak could dramatically change Trump's reelection odds.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he will ask Congress to put cash in Americans' hands immediately.
Tech platforms in joint effort to stem virus misinformation
A hotel in Philadelphia confirmed that one of its guests tested positive of the novel coronavirus and it has completed the necessary disinfection measures.
AMC Theaters, Regal Cinemas, and Showcase Cinemas have closed their doors to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
As the Federal Open Markets Committee gathered for its regular meeting, the Federal Reserve announced it would buy up commercial paper to keep credit flowing.