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The new strain, HIV-1 Group M subtype L, has been recorded in three people, the clinical threshold for classifying subtypes

US Lab Identifies Rare New HIV Strain

A US pharmaceutical firm has said it has identified a new subtype of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and said the finding showed that cutting edge genome sequencing is helping researchers stay ahead of mutating viruses.
The al-Hol camp in northeast Syria is the main site holding families of IS foreign fighters

EU Sees 'Short Window' To Decide IS Repatriations From Syria

EU countries have a "short window" to decide whether to repatriate nationals -- particularly hundreds of very young children -- who were part of the defeated Islamic State group and who are now being held in camps in Syria, MEPs heard Thursday.
Neither evil nor a weapon, says Spot's maker

Robots 'Not Evil' Says Boston Dynamics As Humanoids Go Viral

Les premiers robots commercialis?s par Boston Dynamics, v?ritables stars d'Internet mais dont les capacit?s inqui?tent, auront un usage essentiellement industriel et ne seront pas "transform?s en armes", a assur? leur cr?ateur, Marc Raibert, lors d'un entretien ? l'AFP, en marge du Web Summit cette semaine ? Lisbonne.
One relative said there were 'no words' for what happened to the massacred women and children

Grieving And Angry, US-Mexican Mormons To Bury Massacre Victims

La comunidad mormona del norte de M?xico se debate entre el dolor y el enojo contra el gobierno tras la masacre de tres mujeres y seis ni?os pertenecientes a este grupo religioso de origen estadounidense, asentado desde hace m?s de un siglo en tierras mexicanas.


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