Tim McCusker, the chief investment officer at NEPC, told International Business Times that China’s bets on AI make for attractive investment opportunities.
Congress will soon vote to approve -- or reject -- the biggest trade deal in a generation.
In a new biography by Susan Page, former first lady Barbara Bush blamed Donald Trump for a heart attack she had in June 2016, and also for her decision to leave the Republican Party.
Lower open is expected for the U.S markets Wednesday after key stock index futures were down in the morning.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the successful test Wednesday. He also assured people the test was not directed against any other nation and that it did not violate any international norms.
India on Wednesday claimed that it became an elite space superpower after successfully testing an indigenously developed anti-satellite missile and shot down a live satellite.
NASA is set to bring U.S. astronauts to the moon in 5 years, but some see this as a desperate move to retain its standing in the space industry.
Flat Earthers will go on a cruise in 2020 to prove their belief, but they have a problem going there.
The former Dallas Cowboys star posted a photo of himself on Instagram and said he spent the past two days at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles undergoing testing after experiencing trouble with his voice.
The Kurds appeal to the world to help them secure their Islamic State captives.
On paper, hydrogen fuels are the ultimate clean energy source. In reality, things are a little more complicated.
Before wedding Prince Harry, a numerologist predicted he and Meghan Markle were in for a challenge with their marriage.
The Tesla Model 3 has topped both the electric vehicle and luxury car markets in Europe in February.
Iowa and Nebraska, the two states hit hardest by recent flooding, are home to 40% of the country's ethanol production capacity.
If you have a finger on the pulse of the world's significant tech trends, then you've already seen the IoT in action.
Qualcomm wins one against Apple in an ongoing series of patent infringement lawsuits.
In a hard shift, the Trump administration announced the Affordable Care Act should be overturned entirely.
After passing a vote on Tuesday, the EU has announced internet copyright will see sweeping changes in the near future.
Nicholas Cage has filed for a marriage license with his girlfriend of nearly a year - Erica Koike.
If it is your first time smoking it, you have to understand how it affects your body and your consciousness so you know what to expect.
Higher opening likely for the U. S markets Tuesday after main stock index futures surged in the morning.
With over 90 million pet dogs in the United States, the pet industry continues to grow as several pet parents prioritize their companions's health and happiness above their own.