A man has been arrested after murdering his 8-year-old daughter, who refused to speak about her mother's alleged affair when the man questioned her about it, police said.

The police arrested the suspect, identified as Radhakrishnan, 34, Sunday for fatally stabbing his daughter and slitting her throat after barging into a residence where his two children lived with his estranged wife. The incident took place on Oct. 30 at Chennai, a city in the Southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, The Indian Express reported.

Radhakrishnan often accused his wife of infidelity and the couple lived separately for the past few months due to their differences. The 8-year-old girl was alone at the residence when the incident happened. The child's mother went out for work and her 5-year-old sibling was at a relative's place, police said.

Radhakrishnan reportedly barged into the residence at night and started questioning his daughter if someone visited the mother in his absence. However, the victim was clueless about it and did not respond to his questions.

"He was restless to know if someone was visiting the house in his absence and the child could not give him a clue," an investigating officer told The Times of India.

After he did not get a response from his daughter, Radhakrishnan got agitated and began stabbing the child on her shoulders and arms with a knife that he picked up from the kitchen. When the girl began to cry for help, he threatened her and eventually slit her throat with the knife, police said.

The neighbors rushed the victim to a nearby hospital but she was pronounced dead on arrival. Radhakrishnan had fled the scene after brutally stabbing his daughter. He, however, later surrendered to the police, confessing to the crime.

The suspect has been charged with murder and booked into jail.

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Representation. A police line. Pixabay

Last month, a man in India was arrested for allegedly drowning his 2-month-old baby girl suspecting his wife of having an affair. The suspect identified as Mallikarjuna, from the state of Andhra Pradesh confessed to the murdering of the child adding, he felt it was not his as the girl did not resemble anyone in the family.