how to get rid of visceral fat, limit sugar intake
how to get rid of visceral fat, limit sugar intake myriams fotos - Pixabay


  • Visceral fat is considered a dangerous kind of fat
  • Harmful deposits of visceral fat can lead to stroke and heart disease
  • Get rid of visceral fat by limiting the intake of a certain ingredient

The close proximity of visceral fat to several vital organs poses a huge health risk. This type of body fat has been linked to many metabolic disturbances and increases your risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Reducing the amount of visceral fat in your body should, therefore, be a priority for you.

Getting Rid of Visceral Fat

You can go on a diet plan to radically reduce visceral fat build-up. Exercising regularly can also help a lot in eliminating or reducing the amount of body fat. There is one ingredient, however, which, if avoided, can help much in achieving this goal.

Studies show that sugar is among the worst culprits that hasten the build-up of visceral fat in your belly. It can also make you gain weight beyond what is ideal for your age, build, and height.

A study has shown that individuals who consume more sugar are at an increased risk of having more visceral fat compared to others. Researchers say they have strong evidence pinpointing the problem to a simple sugar contained in added sugar called fructose.

As health site, LiveStrong says, simple sugars are actually carbohydrate molecules containing only a single or two sugar molecules. Consuming lots of simple sugars can drastically increase visceral fat.

Transforming into Fat

In one study, researchers were able to prove that huge amount s of fructose can be transformed by the liver into fat. This additional fat can add to the visceral fat storage, hence the build-up. While consuming too much sugar leads to the accumulation of harmful visceral fat, researchers also say that eating limited amounts of added sugar and fructose can combat visceral fat.

Results of the study involving 41 children who are aged nine to 18 reveal reducing sugar intake can beat this dangerous belly fat. In this research, scientists exchanged fructose in their regular diets with starch that gave them similar amounts of calories.

Researchers found implementing this simple change in only ten days can reduce visceral fat by at least 10.6% and liver fat by around 3.4%. Aside from limiting your consumption of certain foods, increasing protein intake can also help in losing weight, as well as reduce visceral fat.