• Paraversal Hauls can help players rapidly increase their light level next season
  • Opening bounties by the start of the next season can grant a big XP boost
  • Dares of Eternity will still be available once "The Witch Queen" is released

There’s a little over a week left in “Season of the Lost” and while most of Year 4’s content is going to get locked inside the “Destiny” Content Vault, there’s one particular activity that caught the eyes of many players.

Dares of Eternity, the six-player activity in Eternity, will be retained next season. This of course means that players will still get to enjoy the wacky interdimensional game show hosted by Xur and Starhorse, but there’s a little more to this activity than meets the eye.

Apart from getting vendor ranks from Xur and hunting for those god-roll weapons and the Forerunner catalyst, there are two more reasons to farm Dares of Eternity as part of the optional prep for “Witch Queen.

Since the activity won’t be sunset like the others, players will be able to stockpile Paraversal Hauls. These loot boxes will give players more chances at getting better weapons via drops or Treasure Keys. More importantly, Paraversal Hauls will give players weapons with higher light values once the expansion goes live.

Destiny 2 Forsaken added the Scorn, a new enemy faction found mainly in the Tangled Shore and Dreaming City
Destiny 2 Forsaken added the Scorn, a new enemy faction found mainly in the Tangled Shore and Dreaming City Bungie

This is because the level cap next season will be raised to over 1500. Stockpiling enough Paraversal Hauls before “The Witch Queen” arrives will let players kickstart their light level at the start of the new season by bootstrapping themselves with loot boxes.

Players who want to try farming for Paraversal Hauls are better off using their Strange Coins to purchase bounties from Starhorse instead of buying hauls directly. Bounties reward two hauls each, resulting in a better coin economy overall.

Another way to prepare for the “Witch Queen” is by saving Xur’s daily bounties for when the expansion launches. Like the hauls, completed bounties won’t disappear from players’ inventories, allowing players to claim all of them at once for a big season pass XP boost. This method can also be done for other daily and weekly bounties from the Crucible, Clan activities, the Moon and Europa.

Getting a boost to the early season pass and light levels is generally good, but fireteams who want to attempt at day-one “Witch Queen” raid clear will want to get their light levels up as high as possible before the raid launches March 5.