Dilma Rousseff Approval Ratings: Poll Shows Brazilian President Tax Hike Is Unpopular

A new poll shows Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s popularity still hovering in the single digits. Brazilians also overwhelmingly oppose her plan to hike taxes to resolve the country’s fiscal deficit, Reuters reported.
The CNT/MDA poll published Tuesday found that 86.7 percent of those surveyed reject Rousseff’s plan to raise taxes to compensate for the country’s overdrawn finances, and 80.6 percent said she was incapable of pulling Brazil out of its recession. The poll also found that 70.5 percent of Brazilians were against a specific plan put forward by her government to bring back a tax on financial transactions.
The poll did not ask whether respondents thought Rousseff should be impeached, but found that 69.2 percent claim she was at fault for the Petrobras corruption scandal. The scandal saw Petrobras executives conspiring with contractors to inflate bids, with profits being diverted to company officials and politicians. Many members of Rousseff’s Workers’ Party were under investigation in the inquiry, although a parliamentary commission exonerated Rousseff herself of wrongdoing in a report last week.

Meanwhile, Rousseff’s approval rating ticked up to 8.8 percent from the previous July survey’s 7.7 percent, and the number of people who rated her government negatively fell to 70 percent from 70.9. Both variations fall within the poll’s plus or minus 2.2 percent margin of error.
Rousseff has been racked with calls for her impeachment lately, with at least two dozen impeachment requests already filed. Last Wednesday, a group of high-profile lawyers, including former Workers’ Party member Helio Bicudo and former Justice Minister Miguel Reale, filed a request that received the support of the largest opposition party, the PDSB.
Brazil’s lower house President Eduardo Cunha, who is himself facing corruption allegations, must decide over the coming weeks whether to accept the petition and launch the legal process that could oust Rousseff from her post.
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