US President Donald Trump backtracked on a proposal to place the greater New York region in lockdown after strong pushback from local leaders
US President Donald Trump backtracked on a proposal to place the greater New York region in lockdown after strong pushback from local leaders GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Sarah Silbiger


  • Donald Trump misuses the words dispend and suspend during his recent speech
  • The POTUS sparked rumors he could be suffering from dementia
  • Donald Trump sent off a naval hospital ship to New York City this weekend 

Donald Trump seemed more confident when he stepped out in public to send off the naval hospital ship USNS Comfort.

The 1,000-bed hospital ship headed to New York City, which is the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Before the ship left to take on coronavirus patients, the POTUS first gave a speech.

But just like in most cases, the president struggled to pronounce a very simple word. Trump said the word “dispend” but what he was really trying to say was to suspend.

Twitter user @Acyn uploaded a video of Trump’s blunder and says that the dad of five once again managed to play his mistake off. Immediately after, some netizens claimed that the POTUS has been having a hard time pronouncing and remembering the correct usage of certain words because he has dementia.

“Trump has dementia. Watch the tape from yesterday. Watch him take the tiny step up to the platform WHO takes a step like that? WHY does MSM ignore his decline? WHERE can I get a press pass to show MSM how it's done? Getting thrown out would be worth the [expletive] I would cause,” Twitter user @SamSanderson123 said.

“Low energy sleepy dotard,” Twitter user @ElizabethBeverly said.

“‘Dispend.’ Another of Trump’s best-bungled words. This time he got lucky and [expletive] up into a word that actually exists. @TheDailyShow can include this in their 2020 compilation,” Twitter user @driver621_ said.

“He dispends on his depends to suspend his dispensed intestines,” Twitter user @goFAQrself mocked the POTUS.

“He’s doing the neck-tilt thing again where he can’t keep his balance, right before gripping both sides of the podium,” Twitter user @TilanRob said.

“Someone should dispend and suspend him,” Twitter user @BarbaraLaffer16 said.

“Trump can’t properly read basic words but Biden is the one with the bad brain,” Twitter user @saneinaninsane1 said.

Throughout the past couple of months, Trump has been attacking Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden by calling him sleeping. He and his son, Don Jr. also accused Biden of suffering from dementia.