The story of a 31-year-old "digital kingpin," as prosecutors described him, is the subject of multiple book and movie projects.
The Greek debt crisis still hovers over markets, as Athens is again risking a default and exit from the eurozone.
A flooded apartment complex in San Marcos, Texas, points to the broader challenge cities face in balancing urban growth with floodplain risks.
The U.S. economy shrank in the first three months of the year, driven by a slowdown in shipping due to West Coast port disputes.
The economy appears poised for its worst first-half performance since 2011.
The Illinois Republican allegedly took out cash in certain amounts to avoid reporting requirements.
The Feds want Provident Funding Associates to set aside $9 million for discrimination victims.
After a volatile day of trading, U.S. stocks closed pretty much where they opened.
As new technologies blur work-life boundaries -- with emails and messages coming at all hours -- the U.S. Labor Department is taking note.
Internet giants Alibaba and Tencent square up in the country's new online banking sector, at the start of potentially far-reaching financial reforms.
By 2050, Africa will be the world’s youngest economic region, but capitalizing on this demographic wave requires planning.
Saudi Arabia will enter the next oil cartel meeting in a position of strength, touting its policy of keeping production levels high.
Chinese demand for illegal ivory isn't slowing, and 10,000 elephants in Mozambique have paid for it.
Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservative Party is divided over the plan.
The suspects are accused of stealing 1,168 artifacts from an archaeological site.
Officials are trying to stop antiquities smuggling, but may be digging themselves into a hole.
Chagas disease inflicts lifelong harm on 300,000 U.S. victims, but few American doctors are prepared to diagnose it.
Sub-Saharan African economies are on the rise, but the gains aren’t without risks.
The cuts are part of a $1.8 billion restructuring plan to fix the carrier’s sagging public image and financial woes in the wake of the MH370 and MH17 tragedies.
A pair of Russian dignitaries think its women citizens who work for a living need to "address their domestic issues."
The trade-reliant economy expanded an annualized and seasonally adjusted 3.2 percent in the January-March quarter.
The gift came as part of a settlement with the firm that helped the city navigate bankruptcy.
Patients endure higher bills and longer hospital stays when they undergo surgery on Saturdays or Sundays.
Cabinet ministers receive 134,565 British pound ($208,000) a year, including their parliamentary salary.
Africa’s biggest oil producer has been crippled by record-low crude prices this year.
The 86-year-old mathematician died Saturday in a car crash.
One firefighter died during a rescue attempt in Oklahoma, while thousands of people have been evacuated both there and in Texas.
Greece will be high on the agenda as finance ministers from the world's largest developed economies meet in Germany this week.
The Cleveland Police Department confirmed the detention of some protesters, including one who was charged with assault.
May is on track to become the wettest month ever for Oklahoma City.