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Japan pressed bankrupt Sri Lanka on Saturday to expedite its debt restructuring, including with its biggest creditor China

Japan Presses Sri Lanka To Secure China Debt Deal

Japan pressed bankrupt Sri Lanka on Saturday to expedite its debt restructuring, including with its biggest creditor China, to stabilise the island nation's economy after an unprecedented crisis.

Extreme Weather Hits India's Staple Food Crops, Threatens Food Security

"This year, we are experiencing more than usual rainfall, probably due to global warming... Heavy rains mixed with flash flooding will further delay planting, resulting in lower-than-normal yields. It can threaten food security, not only in the country but globally also," said Mahesh Salgaokar, an independent agricultural consultant.
Fed minutes show some members backed an additional hike heading into the previous FOMC meeting

FOMC July 26 Meeting: A Last Rate Hike?

The chances for another hike have been rising thanks to a robust labor market, something the Fed monitors closely in determining the direction of the nation's monetary policy.
Delegates ride in a buggy at G20 finance officials meeting venue near Bengaluru

G20 Sherpas: The Tough Negotiators Who Help Their Leaders Walk Toward The Summit

"A sherpa, in a way guides or shepherds the process of planning, negotiation and implementation of the agenda for a particular member country," a T20 secretariat research coordinator for Think20 said. "Their work begins way ahead of the summit as they organize the agenda and look for political consensus at the highest levels."
Economists warn that Turkey's consumer prices could soon start climbing faster again

Turkey's Inflation Rate Slows To 38.2%

Turkey's annual inflation rate slowed to 38.2 percent in June, official data showed Wednesday, although economists warned that this may be a low point for the year.


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