Also: Americans are a lot more likely today to think free-trade agreements do more harm than good.
Despite suffering the devastating Typhoon Haiyan, the Philippines economy remained robust in the last quarter of 2013.
It's not all glitz and glamour at the NFL's championship game: Its underground economy has been in full force for weeks.
DeVere Group CEO Nigel Green wants the global financial reporting regime to be repealed, a call that has gained little political traction to date.
Out of the 10 richest Americans linked to oil and gas, two are wholly self-made, and four inherited their wealth.
Read the highlights of an annual oil and gas review from Petroleum Services Group at Deloitte.
U.S. growth over the second half of the year came in at a 3.7 percent pace, up sharply from 1.8 percent in the first six months of the year.
Russia has threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine until the country forms a new government.
Understated and logo-less are among the keywords for Chinese luxury consumption this year.
Experts say that despite similar, dire situations, one of the two countries is more likely to recover than the other.
Data on GDP and jobless claims, along with earnings from corporate giants across a range of sectors, should influence markets.
Europe’s largest economy employed 42 million people at the end of last year.
Earlier this week, Spain predicted a faster-than-expected recovery in 2014 and a pick-up in employment.
The Philippines’ annual growth rate places it among Asia's best-performing economies, and second only to China.
Congress has adjusted the wage floor only five times since 1974, so states have had to step in to pick up the slack.
The dip to 49.5 in January from the previous month's 50.5 signals a renewed deterioration in business conditions.
John Curran, Senior Vice President at USForex, discussed how the dollar will be impacted by the Federal Reserve tapering its QE program in 2014.
But wait, there’s more: He also says raising the U.S. minimum wage is bad for the poor.
Natural gas in recent trading has reached beyond $5/btu, a threshold Citi analysts dubbed “unthinkable."
The only Q4 GDP report weak spot is likely to be government spending - which was hurt by the government shutdown.
On a day marked by earnings announcements from Wall Street heavyweights, Ben Bernanke's last policy meeting could take precedence.
Here are some highlights of the coverage of President Obama’s address by media outlets from around the world.
Here's the full text of President Barack Obama's 2014 State of the Union address.
Like Harry Truman, President Barack Obama made it clear his powerful pen would do much to address a 'Do-Nothing Congress.'
President Obama spoke about raising the minimum wage, and working with Congress on a number of economic and budget issues.
At this stage, there's no good reason (not even the recent emerging market wobbles) for the Fed to deviate from its stimulus reduction plan.
After extensive discussion involving toupees, parkas and scabbards, the Supreme Court ruled that Steel Corp. workers should not be paid for getting dressed.
After posting a 4.6 percent economic expansion last year, the UAE is projected to deliver similar growth in 2014.
More people visited Hong Kong in 2012 than any other city in the world.
Telling stat: Citigroup analysts estimated that existing platinum supply rose 95 percent over the past six years.