• The Antspur Rapier can be found near the Shaded Castle
  • The weapon is dropped by a hostile NPC
  • The rapier can deal up to three status effects as of v1.03

There are very few weapons in “Elden Ring” that innately causes Scarlet Rot build-up, but the ones that do exist can be very devastating when used properly.

The Antspur Rapier is one of these Scarlet Rot weapons that can be obtained relatively early in the game. Unlike the other options, which can only be acquired from either Elphael or the Lake of Rot, the Antspur Rapier is near the Shaded Castle in Mt. Gelmir.

Players can get the weapon by defeating Maleigh Marais, a hostile NPC who can be found wandering by the western sector of the Shaded Castle’s poison field. She fights like any other player-like NPC enemy, so be careful of her ability to dodge through attacks and heal with a health flask.

The Shaded Castle itself can be reached via the Altus Plateau. From the Great Lift of Dectus, head toward the main highway and go down the valley up north. Keep following the valley northward, and players should arrive at the Shaded Castle and its toxic bog.

Maleigh Marais can be found wandering the field west of the Shaded Castle - Elden Ring
Maleigh Marais can be found wandering the field west of the Shaded Castle Elden Ring

Upon reaching the castle, head west to find Maleigh. Defeat her, and she will drop the Antspur Rapier as well as the Marais Mask and Marais Robe armor pieces.

The weapon causes Scarlet Rot to build up on all targets it hits. What makes the Antspur Rapier so special, however, is that players can equip it with different Ashes of War. This means the rapier has the potential to cause up to three different status effects in the form of Scarlet Rot, Blood Loss and Poison.

This triple status effect combo can be done by using the Seppuku Ash of War and infusing the weapon with Poison via the Black Whetblade. Doing so will allow the weapon to deal big bursts of damage while Seppuku is active while passively causing Scarlet Rot and Poison to stack on top of each other.

The Scarlet Rot effect continuously damages targets based on their maximum HP. It deals its damage much quicker than Poison does, but it lasts for a shorter duration to compensate. Targets can have both Scarlet Rot and Poison statuses simultaneously ticking away at their HP.