Colorado was considered a key state for Bernie Sanders' campaign — and he won.
It may have been controversial at first, but his proposed ban on Muslim immigration resonated with GOP voters on Super Tuesday.
Despite disappointing polling during Super Tuesday, Bernie Sanders’ criticisms of money’s influence in politics have had an impact.
With sweeping victories on Super Tuesday, Donald Trump becomes the presumptive GOP nominee for president. If his party couldn't beat him, will they now join him?
He won Minnesota but after a mostly disastrous Super Tuesday, Marco Rubio faces an incredibly narrow path to winning his party’s nomination.
Oklahoma offers 43 delegates for Republicans and 38 delegates for Democrats.
Democrats are saying Clinton needs to paint Trump as bigoted and dangerous for the country, while presenting herself as a presidential alternative.
Texas represented one of the few weak spots for Donald Trump on Super Tuesday.
Clinton held the title of first lady for 12 years in Arkansas while her husband, Bill Clinton, served as governor.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each won many states Tuesday night, giving them more delegates as they pulled ahead of their competitors.
The Democratic race had remained extremely close in the days leading up to Tuesday's vote.
Candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump won the Alabama presidential primary elections Tuesday for their respective parties.
Despite support from the state's governor, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was defeated by Donald Trump in Tennessee.
The Associated Press called the Democratic primary there for Sanders shortly after the last polls closed.
Heading into Super Tuesday, Clinton led Sanders by 20 points in Virginia. The state was considered a “must win” for Clinton.
The state’s GOP and Democratic primaries for president came after candidates had crisscrossed Georgia for weeks, hoping to finish first on Super Tuesday.
Click here to track every state’s tally for the Democratic and Republican primaries and caucuses.
As Super Tuesday plays out, undecided GOP officials could be waiting to see the results before deciding whom to endorse. But for one candidate (ahem, Trump) endorsements haven't really mattered.
After Super Tuesday votes are counted, the day of reckoning for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich is in two weeks.
The Democratic presidential candidate unveiled an ad aimed at the embattled drug company, which is under investigation by the SEC and other authorities.
The Christian Post published a scathing editorial Monday urging its readers to dump the real estate mogul.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders garnered the most conversation on the social media network in just one place — his home state of Vermont.