Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has the support of 11 superdelegates. Hillary Clinton has about 360.
John Wayne's daughter recently penned a letter in support of the Republican presidential front-runner.
Aside from that, or getting slammed by Donald Trump, low-polling candidates have few options for generating buzz.
That was back in 2000, but Wednesday’s news of sexual assault charges against the comedian might dog the Clintons as they work to ignore GOP criticism.
Donald Trump has criticized Bill Clinton’s extramarital affairs, but some say the former president’s popularity will help his wife’s campaign.
The Democratic presidential front-runner spoke to a packed house in Portsmouth on Tuesday.
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he wants to be "unpredictable", while competitor Jeb Bush challenges him to a one-on-one debate on the issues.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said Monday police departments nationwide need to examine their use of force and change their culture.
Donald Trump’s Monday night Twitter tirade came after Jeb Bush called him a jerk earlier in the month.
Despite a backlash against the Democrat’s use of a Kwanzaa-themed avatar, black voters still seem to prefer her over Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Outside groups are battling it out in the Granite State for their respective candidates ahead of the Feb. 9 primary.
Joseph McQaid, publisher of the influential New Hampshire Union Leader, says Donald Trump won’t be able to win over Granite State voters.
U.S. President Barack Obama is the man Americans admire most in the world, according to a new Gallup survey.
Fear of losing jobs, fear of terrorism and a disgust with politicians is fueling voter support of GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump.
Christmas came early for the front-runners in the races for the Democratic and Republican U.S. presidential nominations.
The Republican, whose run for the presidency has been lagging, initially told reporters that "personnel changes" were possible.
As the holiday of peace and joy approaches, presidential candidates have shown little sign of lightening up their rhetoric.
Referring to Hillary Clinton's loss to Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary race, Trump told supporters this week that "she got schlonged, she lost."
A new fundraising email shows the Democrat and her campaign could be getting anxious as her decisive lead in early polls slips.
The Kentucky senator said Wednesday that he was running a "first-tier campaign" and limiting competition in the debates would only help front-runner Donald Trump.
Paul joined the chorus of GOP candidates criticizing Hillary Clinton Wednesday when he said she should be able to quickly use a bathroom because Carly Fiorina could.
Ted Cruz told donors in a closed-door New York City meeting that banning same-sex marriage wouldn't be a top priority for his administration.