Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg has previously pledged to learn a language and eat only meat from animals he killed himself
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg has previously pledged to learn a language and eat only meat from animals he killed himself GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Drew Angerer

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has ditched his annual new year's resolutions for a long-term list of goals and predictions that he posted on the social network, including a virtual reality boom and an emphasis on community.

In previous years the entrepreneur has pledged to learn a language, eat only meat from animals he killed himself, and visit every US state -- which sparked speculation he was kick-starting a run for president.

"This decade I'm going to take a longer term focus. Rather than year-to-year challenges, I've tried to think about what I hope the world and my life will look in 2030 so I can make sure I'm focusing on those things," Zuckerberg wrote on Facebook.

"We'll have the technology to feel truly present with another person no matter where they are, and scientific research will have helped cure and prevent diseases to extend our average life expectancy by another 2.5 years."

While the internet has empowered billions by allowing people to connect whenever and wherever they want, he wrote, the next social platform will be about "private interactions and helping us build the smaller communities we all need in our lives."

Facebook has fallen foul of legislation restricting the use of personal data in several countries. In July, US regulators imposed a record $5 billion fine on the company for not protecting the personal data of its users.

Zuckerberg predicted that by the end of the decade people will dump their phones for augmented reality glasses, and make broad use of virtual reality -- opening opportunities.

"Imagine if you could live anywhere you chose and access any job anywhere else. If we deliver on what we're building, this should be much closer to reality by 2030," he wrote.
