• A new character banner is now live in "Genshin Impact"
  • Keqing is the featured character in the new banner
  • Some players are wondering if Keqing is worth pulling Wishes on

Game developer miHoYo earlier announced that Keqing would be the next character to be featured in a banner after Xiao. Unfortunately, the gaming studio did not reveal the time and date of the electro character's arrival in "Genshin Impact."

Now here are some details about Keqing banner, including four-star characters and whether she's worth pulling Wishes on.

Dance Of Lanterns Release Time And Date

Keqing, the electro swordsman, is considered one of the best DPS in the game. She is the featured character in the new Dance of Lanterns banner in the game. Players can expect the event to start at 16:00 server time on Feb. 17.

New Character Demo - "Keqing: Yuheng of the Qixing" | Genshin Impact
All people believe Rex Lapis' rule to be solid as bedrock. Keqing alone sees Liyue's prosperity as a castle built of and upon seaside sand. But even she could not have expected the high tide to come in so quickly... Genshin Impact Official YouTube Channel

Four-Star Characters

Aside from Keqing, one of the four-star characters featured in the banner is Barbara. Players can anticipate the launch of other four-star characters in the upcoming banner, including Bennett and Nigguang. All of these characters will have their Wish drop rate increased as they replace Xiao, Beidou, Xinyan and Diona.

Bennett is a top-tier character when it comes to healing and support. His Elemental Burst not only heals characters but also provides an ATK boost that scales on his base attack if the character's health is above 75%. Ningguang is a character who's strong in both solo and coop and with the latest Geo Resonance update, she has become a lot stronger.

Meanwhile, Barbara is a healer and can apply the Wet status to her opponents and herself. Also, Barbara can produce a massive amount of heals using her Elemental Burst and can transfer heals with her Elemental Skill.

Is Keqing Worth Pulling Wishes On?

Keqing is a powerful character and players love her for her ability to produce quick, massive and consistent damage. However, unlike other characters featured in "Genshin Impact," she is always available in banners. Keqing might not be the character worth pulling Wishes on if players want to obtain a limited character. But for players who do not yet have a good DPS, Keqing is just the character that they need.

Weapon Banner

Epitome Invocation, the limited-time weapon banner, is available with the release of Update 1.3. It features the Primordial Jade Winged-spear, a Polearm and Primordial Jade Cutter that is a sword. These are exclusive five-star weapons.

There are also four-star weapons featured in the weapon banner, such as Eye of Perception (Catalyst), Sacrificial Greatsword (Claymore), Favonious Lance (Polearm), Rust (Bow) and The Flute (Sword). These weapons get boosted rates on the same banner.