reduce visceral fat belly fat
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  • Accumulating visceral fat can prove very dangerous for your health as it could lead to many complications
  • Finding ways to reduce belly fat the soonest can help reduce your risk of certain diseases
  • By increasing a certain body process, you may be able to reduce visceral fat

For many, noticing a wobble in their bellies is normal and reality for them. One needs to be aware, however, about belly fat dangers as it is now affecting a lot more people today compared to that in the past.

Recent government statistics found that 26% of British adults are now classified as being obese. This can only mean that one in every four people are considered obese. Experts predict that Britain may even become the fattest nation in Europe by the year 2025. That is five short years from now.

If the present unhealthy trend continues, health experts say that half of the British population will be obese by the year 2045.

Excessive Belly Fat Negatively Impacts health

While there may be fats that are considered healthy, visceral fat is one that could threaten your very existence. Belly fat creates more inflammatory chemicals that obstruct the normal function of the body compared to other stored fats located elsewhere, such as the thighs or buttocks.

University of Sydney professor and public health expert Tim Gill said that when you have excessive amounts of visceral fat, it releases many of these inflammatory chemicals. Such can cause profound effects on many other parts of your body.

A waist circumference of approximately 94 centimeters or more in men simply shows they are at an elevated risk of developing chronic diseases. This was according to a statement made by the Department of Health. If you measure 102 centimeters or over, it means you are at a bigger risk.

For women, the corresponding measurements are a bit lower, including 80 and 99 centimeters. Those who worry they have too much visceral fat needs to be watchful about the kinds of foods they consume.

Reducing Belly Fat

Leading health experts say that increasing metabolism can help get rid of visceral fat. In fact, hiking up your metabolism should be your ultimate goal when getting rid of belly fat. This should also be coupled with appropriate workout intensity.

Diet fundamentals, the amount of muscle you have, stress management, and sleep quality, all play a considerable role in losing belly fat. According to Marcus Reddy, faster metabolism can help burn fat quickly. Reddy is a bariatric surgeon, laparoscopic consultant, and upper GI at Spire St. Anthony’s Hospital.

He also said that while metabolism is often predetermined by body size, age, and sex, improving lead body mass and avoiding long hunger periods greatly helps metabolism. Performing intense physical activity periods can also improve metabolism.

In a separate statement, Mayo Clinic said that metabolism is the process by which your body transforms what you drink and eat into energy. Increasing metabolism and having fast metabolism helps you burn more fats, lose belly fat, and greatly lower your risk of serious health complications.