GOP Cadidates at Oct. 11 Debate
An idea sprouted from an e-mail from the Obama for America campaign offering a unique approach to fundraising, many Democrat supporters are turning Tuesday night's GOP debate into a drinking game. Republican presidential candidates (L-R): Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Herman Cain, and Jon Huntsman. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

This is somehow not surprising. Following an e-mail from the Obama for America campaign offering a unique approach to fundraising, many Democrat supporters are turning Tuesday night's GOP debate into a drinking game.

The Obama campaign sent out an email on Tuesday, suggesting that debate viewers pledge a set monetary donation in advance, which they will bestow based on the quantity of catch phrases or words said in the debate. Here's how it works, according to the Obama campaign:

You pick a word or phrase from the list below to sponsor, and pledge to give $3 or $5 (or however much you'd like) for each mention, Obama for America National Finance Chair Matthew Barzun wrote. So tonight, as the Republican candidates prattle on about defunding Social Security, ending Medicare as we know it, and everything else they support, they will literally be building this campaign.

The words include hot topics amongst the Republican presidential hopefuls like class warfare, repeal, Obamacare, fence, (de)regulation, amnesty, socialism, Roneycare and 9-9-9.

The game for the debate, which will begin tonight at 8 p.m. EST from Las Vegas, does have a purpose aside from money-making, which according to the campaign is to make sure there's a real cost to all the attacks and nonsense.

We're not just doing this for our own entertainment. We're building a campaign that can withstand a barrage of special-interest funded attacks from the other side, and make sure President Obama can continue the important work we have left to do, Barzun wrote.

However, many are taking to the occasion by, instead of donating their dollars for the Obama campaign, using the suggested lists of words to create a drinking game.

The rules will be similar to the drinking game played during President Obama's State of the Union Address back in January: Viewers must take a shot of liquor or a large gulp of beer every time a certain word is said.

One user who played the Obama-version in January posted a reactionary comment on the game's Web site, 25 minute into speech and slipping beneath tabl3, thanks for great game, the user wrote.

The Obama campaign, which did not mention anything about drinking alcohol in their fundraising game idea, however did suggest a limit rule which applies to the drinking game perfectly.

Don't worry, you can set a cap on how much [money] you want to give, in case someone (not saying who) says 9-9-9 two dozen times.

We agree on setting a cap during the two-hour debate as you could be on the verge of alcohol poisoning, as Cain will mostly likely mention his 9-9-9 plan often while he is grilled about the higher taxes it causes and Romney will certainly mention middle class more than once.

Below is the full e-mail sent out by the Obama campaign.

Subject: Money where their mouth is

If you've been able to sit through any of the Republican presidential debates so far, I commend you for your patience and commitment to the President.

With all the talk about class warfare, Obamacare, 9-9-9, and how Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, the Republican candidates have tended to leave very little time to discuss constructive solutions to the actual challenges facing our country.

Well, there's another Republican debate tonight in Las Vegas. And if we can't convince the candidates to talk about jobs or how to provide economic security for the middle class, we can hold them accountable for what they choose to talk about instead.

The campaign has put together a debate watch game to make sure there's a real cost to all the attacks and nonsense. Here's how it works: You pick a word or phrase from the list below to sponsor, and pledge to give $3 or $5 (or however much you'd like) for each mention. So tonight, as the Republican candidates prattle on about defunding Social Security, ending Medicare as we know it, and everything else they support, they will literally be building this campaign.

Check it out, and get your guesses in now before the debate starts at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Don't worry, you can set a cap on how much you want to give, in case someone (not saying who) says 9-9-9 two dozen times.

-- Class warfare
-- Repeal
-- Obamacare
-- Fence
-- (De)regulation
-- Amnesty
-- Socialism
-- Romneycare
-- 9-9-9

We have to assume that the Republicans in this race are sincere about wanting to be President. But when so much of the discussion is about rolling back protections put in place by the Affordable Care Act and Wall Street reform, and instituting a tax plan that would mean middle-class families pay thousands more every year, we can question how sincere they are about helping to solve the very real problems millions of people confront every day.

Americans deserve a leader who takes the job seriously.

So I'm looking forward to seeing what you think they'll say this time. We should have some fun with this -- it's Vegas, after all.

But we're not just doing this for our own entertainment. We're building a campaign that can withstand a barrage of special-interest funded attacks from the other side, and make sure President Obama can continue the important work we have left to do.

Any donation you end up making tonight will be put to work right away to that end.

So what do you think? Class warfare? Socialism?

Make your best guesses here:

Thanks for playing,


Matthew Barzun
National Finance Chair
Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America
Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.