Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton
Rumors about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton having a baby and adopting a baby girl have been debunked. In Picture: Singers Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton attend the State Dinner for Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi at the White House in Washington on October 18, 2016. Getty Images/Yuri Gripas

Rumors about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton have been circulating online for months now, and many of them suggested that the couple is having a baby. Here are the top five baby rumors about the couple that have been debunked so far.

Some baby-related rumors about Stefani and Shelton suggested that they are adopting a girl, while others claimed that the singer is using surrogacy as an alternative. All these tabloid stories are false.

According to Gossip Cop, a false rumor about Stefani and Shelton in December last year stated that they were adopting a 2-year-old orphan girl. The story claimed that the couple had finished the adoption process and was preparing to bring the girl back home after the New Year. So far, there is no baby girl in Stefani’s home, and a spokesperson of the singer has also confirmed that the rumor is false.

Back in November, a report claimed that Stefani and Shelton were in the final stages of choosing a surrogate mother. The article went on to add that Stefani wanted to have the baby herself, but multiple IVF treatments failed. The singer’s rep has confirmed that this story, too, is untrue.

Another false rumor about the couple that surfaced online in May said that Stefani and Shelton had a discussion about having a baby or using a surrogate mother. The talked reportedly happened on Mother’s Day because this day reminded Shelton that he doesn’t have kids of his own, according to that article. Stefani’s spokesperson has said that this story is a fabrication.

In March 2017, Stefani was rumored to be adopting a baby girl without the knowledge of her boyfriend. The singer’s rep once again shut down this rumor.

Another speculation about Stefani and Shelton that surfaced in February 2017 suggested that the couple was postponing their wedding plans in order to have a baby first. Since that article, the singer has confirmed that she feels no pressure to get married and made no mention of having a baby or adopting one. This proves that rumor to be false.

Meanwhile, Stefani is busy creating new products and songs. In a previous interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the singer said that she has always loved the process of being creative. She recently launched a new line of eyewear and has also been successful with her bag designs.

As for her new songs, Stefani said in an interview with Entertainment Tonight that she will investigate what new music she will release next. She said that her music is generally a reflection of where she is at in life.