‘Halo 5: Guardians’ To Bring Out Xbox One Potential; Hunt The Truth Latest Episode Deepens Halsey Suspicions

With five months left until the exclusive release of “Halo 5: Guardians” on Xbox One, developer 343 Industries is bent on making sure the actual title lives up to the hype. At forums, 343 Industries head Josh Holmes has responded to fan queries on some “Halo 5: Guardians” details. The first comes from a fan who describes the visual appeal of the game as too cluttered.
“What you see as ‘clutter,’ someone else sees as ‘detail’ -- the goal [and challenge] is to deliver a more detailed physical environment that maximizes the capabilities of the Xbox One while retaining clarity of image and the ability to follow the action,” said Holmes in a statement quoted by Gamingbolt.
Frame rates alone are a big deal, as Holmes revealed the engineering team is currently working on making the game stable for 60 FPS at launch. This involves 60 FPS on all modes once “Halo 5: Guardians” is released.
Holmes revealed the E3 2015 will be where “Halo 5: Guardians” content will be revealed. This could mean visual differences following beta feedback can also be expected at the gaming show.
Also this week, the newest episode of Hunt the Truth, Microsoft’s viral marketing campaign for “Halo 5: Guardians,” has been released. Last week’s teaser featured a new character who comes in contact with investigator Benjamin Giraud, Fero.
In continuing the investigation, Giraud and his small team stumbled upon one of Giraud’s previous interviewees, Walker, and discovered he really was a fake interviewee set up by ONI. Another interviewee, Petrosky, reveals some horrifying truths about the Spartan program, one of which is that those behind Spartan masks were not really human. He even tags ONI as the bogeyman, one that should be feared for all experimentation and conspiracies.
However, the biggest clincher is Fero. Giraud realized his communications had been hacked, and Fero was speaking directly to him. A garbled but definitely female voice revealed the brewing events that could be triggered by what Giraud knew -- ugly information that should be publicized so his story will be heard without ONI having a chance to spin it.
Over at Reddit, fans are already discussing who Fero could be. Even before, speculation it would be Halsey has been very strong. Discussion abounds as to what Halsey’s intent for revealing the program would be when Fero’s goal seems to be to save humanity from a sudden death. One redditor summarized some of the thoughts and speculation from those who think Halsey is Fero.
“It sounds like her, and the other clues that point to her being Halsey can’t be coincidences. It’s strange she seems to be attempting to expose something she was directly involved in, but it’s still almost certainly her,” said BoldlyTheyRode over Reddit.
The next episode promises to be even more exciting. Whether or not the Halo team plans to reveal who Fero is at Hunt the Truth or at a bigger event like E3 2015 remains to be seen.
"Halo 5: Guardians" gameplay (Credit: YouTube/GamesHQMedia)
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