onion to increase life expectancy
onion to increase life expectancy stevepb - Pixabay


  • Increasing life expectancy would mean living a healthy lifestyle
  • One way that you can do this is to ensure that you eat the right kinds of food
  • There is one vegetable that could help you live longer

If you want to live longer, then you might want to consider making some changes in your lifestyle, most especially your diet. Health experts have always stated that diet plays a very important role when it comes to increasing life expectancy. Studies have shown that those who stick to a healthy diet have a higher chance of adding more years to live. On the other hand, those who are not conscious of what they eat may run the risk of reducing the number of years that they have.

A recent study has revealed that one vegetable is known to help you increase life expectancy. This vegetable contains a chockfull of nutrients that make the body healthy.

The Lowly Onion

You might not know it, but the onion is one of those vegetables that could help you live longer. Onion contains antioxidants. These are compounds that prevent cellular damage. When damage to the cells is prevented, then nasty diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, three diseases which could kill, are likewise avoided.

Onion contains quercetin, an antioxidant that is very potent. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which could help decrease your risk of suffering from diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure.

According to the study of 70 overweight individuals who have high blood pressure, as stated in Express’ report, they found that by giving them 162mg per day of onion extract that is rich in quercetin, they were able to reduce their blood pressure readings. The decrease was a significant 3 to 6 mmHg in systolic blood pressure.

Decreasing LDL Too

Aside from the fact that onion helps in lowering blood pressure, it also helps in lowering bad cholesterol. In another study, it showed how a study of 54 women who were suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) was able to reduce their bad cholesterol levels after consuming a large amount of raw red onions every day for 8 weeks. They consumed between 40 to 50 grams of red onions daily.

By lowering bad cholesterol levels, you are also lowering your risk of heart disease. You are likewise protecting yourself by lowering your risk from suffering from a stroke.

More Ways to Increase Lifespan

Aside from eating onions, there are other ways that could help you live longer. Make sure that you maintain a healthy weight. When you have a healthy weight, you are reducing your risk of suffering from high blood pressure, and it also helps maintain your blood cholesterol levels.