How Yasmin Teimoori, Successful Entrepreneur Is Shaking Up The Real Estate Industry
Yasmin Teimoori began her career in real estate in 2005 and quickly became highly successful within the industry in Dubai. She now owns and operates a successful spa for women called Morning Glory.

Yasmin is from Iran, but she left the country with her husband, moving to Dubai, and began working at a large hotel in the health club section of the company. This included working in the hotel spa, which led to her dream of opening her own spa. She put her dream on hold for a while and entered the real estate industry. Yasmin was a real estate agent for one of the most reputable agencies in the U.A.E. She used her success to open her own real estate company.
For Yasmin, Dubai has become a place where she feels free and respected as a woman. She says since moving to the city she has always been treated with respect and found opportunities that were not available to women in Iran. When she opened her real estate agency in Dubai there were very little regulations and people were constantly buying property. This led to her agency becoming very profitable.
Yasmin says her company flourished during a golden age for the real estate market between the years 2005 to 2011. She was closing high bulk deals where she was selling millions of dollars worth of properties. After the 2008 financial crisis, which took a huge toll on the global real estate market, Yasmin decided it was time to pursue her dream of opening a spa. The crash of the real estate market turned out to work in her favor as she had become tired and stressed out from constantly working. Being a real estate agent also proved difficult for her life as a mother of three children.
Opening a spa was not only her dream, but a way to calm her mind and body. Yasmin's motto for Morning Glory is to help women discover their body, feed their soul and explore their beauty. This is a focus on bringing the mind and body together to find inner peace and bring calmness to women. Morning Glory uses natural products and herbs for their clients and avoids the use of manufactured cosmetic products. Yasmin has always had a passion for beauty treatment through natural methods. She has traveled across Asia, which has a strong spa culture, learning about beauty treatments throughout history. According to Yasmin she found historical treatments to be timeless and wanted to incorporate them into her own spa.
To share her experiences learning about traditional beauty treatments, Yasmin wrote a book titled Queens' Secrets. Yasmin was inspired by the vast amount of resources each country utilizes during her time traveling the world. This led her down a path of discovery, researching each and every new ingredient she stumbled upon, later leading her to write a book that walks the reader through the timeless ingredients, methods and rituals used by ancient queens preserved beauty and youth.
Now Yasmin is returning to the real estate industry because she wants to continue her endeavors as an entrepreneur while providing people with honest and reliable housing. As a real estate agent, she always listens to the needs of her clients and what their expectations are as well as what their housing dreams are. With extensive knowledge of the real estate market in Dubai, Yasmin is able to present her clients with the best options on the market whether they are buyers or investors.
Since returning to real estate, Yasmin has been working as a partner at an agency, but she plans to open her own company within the next year or two. She maintains a real estate license and says there is nothing that can hold her back from being a successful woman entrepreneur, not even the crash of the real estate market in 2008, the Covid-19 Pandemic or being a mother of three children.
"I want to share my experiences with people and show them that you can be successful and turn your dreams into a reality no matter what kind of adversity comes your way," says Yasmin. "Working in the real estate agency and becoming highly successful and then the transition to opening Morning Glory has inspired me to keep pursuing my path as a woman entrepreneur."