Infographic: Mobile Set To Outpace Desktop Ad Spending By 2022

In line with the evolution of smartphones and tablets, the global mobile advertising market has been growing ever larger over the past decade. Companies are starting to take advantage of the shift to digital with new and more exciting forms of advertising such as haptic marketing offering new possibilities alongside more traditional channels such as email and influencer marketing.
Unsurprisingly, the mobile revolution has dramatically eaten into desktop's share of the market. According to Statista's Digital Market Outlook, mobile will account for 50 percent of ad spending by 2021 and finally surpass desktop in 2022. Earlier this year, the Interactive Advertising Bureau reported that internet advertising revenue in the United States exceeded $100 billion for the first time in 2018. With the widespread rollout of 5G imminent, mobile advertising is likely to pull even further away from desktop over the next ten years.