A new report claims that one of the major features of the latest iOS 13.3 update is failing to deliver its promised protection. CC Public Domain/pxhere.com

The latest iPhone 11 update has recently added access to the Memoji keyboard and attaches these stickers to their messaging posts. However, some users may not want the Memoji keyboard on their devices as they type away in every conversation. Here’s a quick guide on how to disable the memoji sticker keyboard.

As of the iOS 13 update, every compatible iPhone to the update will show the Memoji stickers on every messaging part of any app opened in the device. For some users who don’t plan on using it, it may be a hassle to see it everytime.

To fully disable the Memoji stickers on the keyboard, users will need to go to the Settings app and go to the General options. Under these options will be the Keyboard settings and will be shown to a list of features related to the messaging keyboard. The Memoji stickers will have a slider on the whole way down the list. Sliding it to the left will turn it off.

The next time that the keyboard comes up in the iPhone, it won’t have the Memoji keyboard anymore. If the Memoji stickers are needed again, just return to the Keyboard settings once more and turn it on.

However, this feature is only available on the latest iOS 13.3 update. Users on the prior updates will need to go for a Software update first before turning this feature on and off at will. Without the update, users will have to make do with having the Memoji sticker selection available most of the time.