A former Liberty University student — who allegedly had an affair with Becki Tilley, the wife of the evangelical Christian school's former president Jerry Falwell Jr. — told Politico that the couple would rank students in a game of “Would You Rather.”

The former student, who is now 32 years old, claims to have begun his relationship with Tilley at the age of 22 and that Tilley performed oral sex on him.

He told Politico that Tilley shared details about the game that she and Falwell would play when they walked around the campus. During the game, Falwell and Tilley would point out male and female students and imagine what it would be like to have sex with them.

“[Tilley] and Jerry would eye people down on campus,” the former student revealed. “She didn’t go into specifics, but said, ‘Oh, me and Jerry play games all the time, like ‘Would you rather?’ with people on campus.’ I’ll never forget that.”

The former student claims to have met the couple while he was in a band with their son Trey.

A neighbor of the Falwells supported the former student’s story and claimed Tilley told her about an affair with a college student. The friend told Politico they warned Tilley to call off the relationship out of fear it would harm the marriage.

However, the neighbor revealed Tilley was not concerned that the affair would lead to marital problems. Instead, she insisted Falwell’s only issue would be that he wasn’t given the chance to watch her have sex with the student.

In response to the article, Falwell and Tilley emailed Politico to deny the allegations made by the former student and the friend, calling the game and the statements “completely false.”

The allegations come after Giancarlo Granda, a business partner of Falwell, said in August that he had a long sexual relationship involving Falwell and Tilley.

Granda, who met the couple in March 2012 at a Miami hotel when he was 20 years old, claimed that the relationship involved him having sex with Tilley while Falwell watched.

Falwell, who left Liberty University in August, accused the school of spreading "outrageous lies" about him in a defamation lawsuit filed Wednesday.

Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. speaks at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, July 21, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar