• President Joe Biden recalled spending "romantic" time with Jill Biden in Delaware
  • Joe noted that he is "really proud" of his wife 
  • The couple got married in 1977

Joe Biden has revealed how stepping into the role of the president just took away the romantic times he used to spend with his wife, Jill, with whom he has been married for 44 years.

The couple gave a joint interview to Vogue on Tuesday. Biden, 78, recalled that when the couple was living in Delaware, once a month they used to "go up to a local bed-and-breakfast by ourselves, to make sure we had a romantic time to just get away and hang out with each other."

Considering their busy schedules after Joe took over in January, the couple is finding it difficult to make time for one another. "I miss her. I'm really proud of her. But it's not like we can just go off like we used to," he told the magazine.

"She's been traveling all over the country," the president added. "And doing major events for me…and for the country. And so I'll find that I’m working on a hell of an important speech and I’m distracted. And then I may not be working on one and I want to go and hang out with her, and she's working on an important speech! Or grading papers. We have to figure out a way — and I mean this sincerely — to be able to steal time for one another. I think that’s the deal."

Joe noted that he was confident enough what his wife would do after becoming the first lady of the United States.

"It was clear to me that she knew exactly what she would do if she were the first lady. And so she came in, I think — knowing the experience of being vice president, knowing the power of the presidency — knowing that she could change things," he told the magazine.

Jill, 70, who served as the second lady from 2009 to 2017, noted that she was "scared" during the campaign and felt "anxiety" in 2020.

"During the campaign, I felt so much anxiety from people; they were scared. When I travel around the country now, I feel as though people can breathe again. I think that’s part of the reason Joe was elected," the FLOTUS said during the interview with the magazine. "People wanted someone to come in and heal this nation, not just from the pandemic, which I feel Joe did by, you know, getting shots in everybody’s arms. But also ... he’s just a calmer president. He lowers the temperature."

Jill recalled when she was the second lady, she wanted to do a lot for the country as she didn't want to "waste this platform."

"And now I have a bigger platform and I feel every day, like ... What could I give up? That I would want to give up? Nothing. If anything, I feel like adding more things, but I know it’s not possible because you want to stay centered because you want to do things well. And there's so much to do. There is ... so. Much. To. Do," she explained.

The couple married in 1977. Joe was previously married to Neilia Hunter Biden, who died in 1972. Jill was married to a musician, Bill Stevenson, from 1970 to 1975.

US President Joe Biden kisses First Lady Jill Biden at the White House
US President Joe Biden kisses First Lady Jill Biden at the White House AFP / JIM WATSON