Jon McNaughton: Artist Depicts Obama with Burning Constitution in Viral Controversial Painting [PHOTO]
Jon McNaughton, an artist known for painting provocative images within politics, has released his latest controversial painting of President Barack Obama holding a burning Constitution, in a photo that has gone viral on the Internet.
The newest painting, One Nation Under Socialism, shows a smug Obama holding a copy of the Constitution in his hands while it burns. According to McNaughton, Obama's hands represent his recognition of what is happening [to the Constitution] as it goes up [in flames].
At this very moment our Constitution is literally going up in flames, McNaughton wrote on his Facebook account. What will you do to preserve the Constitution and save America?
With One Nation Under Socialism, McNaughton included a poem and asked the Internet a burning question regarding Obama:
'I pledge allegiance to the United States of America,
And not to an ideology, which can never stand,
One nation under socialism, divisive,
With no liberty or justice for anyone.'
This November, you will make a choice. Will you choose One Nation Under Socialism?
According to McNaughton, he chose the title to convey his opinion about the growing trend of socialism in the U.S.
When the people are willing to sacrifice the next generation for their current lifestyles and allow the federal government to have all the power for an illusory mess of pottage-you have chosen One Nation Under Socialism, he wrote.
McNaughton said socialism has never worked in the past, also providing a link to an article from The Free Man Online, as to why socialism failed.
In the history of the world, never has there been a recorded example where Socialism has led to the betterment of the human condition or improved the liberty of the people, he said.
However, McNaughton said there are other components to this painting though he is not ready to spill all just yet.
There are numerous symbols and subtleties in this painting, and I'm not ready to reveal all of them, McNaughton told CBS in Washington DC.
Since McNaughton released the newest painting on Saturday, many Facebook users have let loose in their comments from both sides of the fence.
bravo!!! great artistic interpretation of what the lib dems are all about--don't let them silence you as they are trying with the catholic church over flukes fake contraception outrage, Facebook user Jeannie Stanley wrote.
In response to the mass of comments, Facebook user Diana Green Knight fired off, I don't think I've seen so many blathering idiots in one post for a long time. Seriously - do you really believe half the crap you're writing? Go ahead - keep listening to Fox and Rush and Beck and the rest of the doomsayers as the Republican party sells your jobs, your homes, your education and your children to the highest bidder. They'll keep patting you on the head saying good boy while they keep the other hand in your pockets. Bigotry, misogyny and jingoism disguised as patriotism is simply revolting.
McNaughton told CBS that this painting has brought out more feelings among those on both the right and left than my other previous political paintings.
Jon McNaughton has painted other provocative, and controversial for some, paintings in the past, including one of President Obama stepping on the Constitution.
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